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Questions about Accounting or Auditing on the Ground in Jurisdictions? Our New Interactive Content Can Help

Joseph Bryson  | 

After consultation with our global stakeholders, IFAC recently launched a new interactive section of the website with comprehensive profiles of our member organizations and the jurisdictions in which they operate. Publishing these profiles supports transparency and the adoption and implementation of international standards, as well as the public interest.

Why It’s Useful for You, Too:

In addition to being relevant to regulators, standard setters, investors, and professional accountancy organizations, the content is useful to practicing accountants as well.

  • Check the status of adoption for the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, International Education Standards, International Financial Reporting Standards, International Public Sector Accounting Standards, and International Standards on Auditing for your jurisdiction or one in which you work or plan to work.
  • Discover more about the current state of financial reporting in the regions and nations where you live, your company is based, or your organization does business.
  • Enhance your risk management for projects, work, or clients in new jurisdictions by learning more about the legal and regulatory conditions in those jurisdictions.
  • See how your organization is fulfilling the IFAC Statements of Membership Obligations (SMOs).

What’s New?

From the profiles landing page, you can see which professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) are IFAC members and associates and access organization and country profiles. Country profiles include a listing of all IFAC member organizations in the jurisdiction, a description of the legal and regulatory environment, and the adoption status of international standards. Member organization profiles feature an assessment of each organization’s fulfillment of the IFAC SMOs as well as a brief description of the organization.

The in-depth information demonstrates the widespread use of international standards and the efforts of IFAC member organizations to encourage adoption, advance implementation, and support the businesses, communities, and governments in their countries.

What’s Changed?

Looking for a member’s SMO Action Plan? They are still available on the site, just relocated. Each member organization’s SMO Action Plan can now be found on its organization profile page.

For more information on the new webpages, take a look at our recent eNews issue. We designed it to serve as a mini-primer on the content and provide a walk-through to new users.

We will be publishing additional profiles in the upcoming months, so keep checking back and exploring the pages for the latest information on adoption and implementation of international standards and SMO fulfillment.

If you have any questions or feedback, please email or leave a comment below.

Joseph Bryson

Joseph Bryson is IFAC's former director, Quality & Development, where he oversaw the Member Compliance Program’s development and implementation, the member admissions process, and professional accountancy organization capacity building, guidance, and support for both prospective and existing member organizations.

Mr. Bryson started his career with IFAC in 2008 as the Latin America and the Caribbean regions portfolio manager for the Member Compliance Program and was previously employed in Deloitte Argentina.

He has a Master’s of Business Administration from the Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina.