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In an era of heightened awareness of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, the accountancy profession is at a crucial crossroads. As markets, investors, and stakeholders place greater emphasis on sustainability information, professional accountants are uniquely positioned to play a pivotal role in ensuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of this data. Recognizing the importance of this role, IFAC is inviting accountants worldwide to share their insights on sustainability and accountancy education.

The Intersection of Accountancy and Sustainability

Sustainability is no longer a mere buzzword; it is an imperative that touches every facet of business and society. Investors want to know the environmental impact of their investments, consumers demand transparency in supply chains, and regulators are enforcing stricter ESG reporting requirements. In this landscape, professional accountants are far more than the stereotypical idea of record-keepers; they are also guardians of credibility and transparency.

As the demand for sustainability information grows, it is essential that accountants possess the knowledge necessary to navigate this evolving landscape. The question is: Are our current education standards equipped to meet these sustainability needs?

Surveying the Accountancy Profession

The IFAC International Panel on Accountancy Education has recognized the urgency of this question and is asking professional accountants and other stakeholders around the world for their valuable insights. Through a comprehensive survey, IFAC is gathering opinions and ideas about what is required to ensure that current and future accountants are well-prepared to actively participate in the sustainability dialogue. The survey is also available in Arabic, French, and Spanish.

Why Your Input Matters

Your voice and insights matter significantly in shaping the future of accountancy education and practice. You should take the survey to:

  1. Influence the Profession: This is your opportunity to influence the direction of the accountancy profession. Your input will help define the knowledge, skills and behaviors that will be critical for accountants in sustainability roles.
  2. Enhance Trust: As trusted financial professionals, accountants are essential in maintaining the trust and credibility of sustainability reporting. Your ideas can contribute to strengthening this vital aspect of financial reporting.
  3. Stay Relevant: The business landscape is rapidly evolving, and staying current with the demands of sustainability is crucial for professional development. By sharing your insights, you can help ensure that accountancy education remains relevant and up to date.
  4. Global Impact: IFAC's reach extends globally, and your participation can influence education standards and practices worldwide.

How to Get Involved

Participating in this survey is easy and requires only 20-25 minutes of your time. The survey can be accessed online, and your responses will remain confidential. The deadline for participation is October 25, 2023.

But your influence doesn't have to stop there. If you're passionate about shaping the future of accountancy education and want further opportunities to work with IFAC, email us at

The accountancy profession stands at the forefront of addressing the sustainability challenges of our time. To ensure that accountants are well-equipped to navigate this dynamic landscape, your input is invaluable. By participating in IFAC's survey, you can actively contribute to shaping the future of accountancy education and professional development, making a lasting impact on the profession and the world it serves. Don't miss this chance to be a part of the change. Take the survey and help pave the way for a more sustainable and accountable future.

Megan Hartman

Megan Hartman is a principal on the Communications team. She joined the team in 2011 after working with a number of international organizations, primarily in the not-for-profit sector. Megan holds a master’s in integrated marketing communications from Northwestern University as well as a bachelor’s from George Washington University.