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Consultation Paper, Measurement

| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

This Consultation Paper is the IPSASB’s first step in establishing a comprehensive measurement framework for the public sector. The Consultation Paper focuses on better aligning the IPSAS measurement requirements with those established in the Conceptual Framework. This project sets out to:

  1. Issue amended IPSAS with revised requirements for measurement at initial recognition, subsequent measurement, and measurement-related disclosure;
  2. Provide more detailed guidance on the implementation of historical cost, replacement cost, fulfillment cost, and fair value, and the circumstances under which these measurement bases will be used; and
  3. Address transaction costs and borrowing costs.

In an effort to better communicate with its constituents the IPSASB is testing a new consultation approach. This approach provides both:

  • A concepts-based discussion, in the Consultation Paper, which identifies areas where the IPSASB has reached preliminary views; and
  • An Illustrative Exposure Draft, which illustrates what a draft IPSAS could look like, given the IPSASB’s preliminary views.

Please note that comment letters are now due by October 14, 2019.

Copyright © 2025 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.

Submitted Comment Letters

  1. Halimeh Rahmani (83.04 KB)
  2.  ()
  3. Accountancy Europe (114.06 KB)
  4.  ()
  5. John Milne (19.32 MB)
     (New Zealand)
  6. Valuology (169.39 KB)
  7.  ()
  8.  (Canada)
  9.  (Switzerland)
  10. GAFSC (204.99 KB)
  11. CIPFA (252.94 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  12.  ()
  13.  (Japan)
  14. ICAEW (257.48 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  15.  ()
  16. Liquid Pacific (318.33 KB)
  17.  (Kenya)
  18. European Commission (559.63 KB)
  19. ACCA (184.54 KB)
  20. EY (247.66 KB)
  21.  (Tanzania, United Republic of)
  22.  (Brazil)
  23.  ()
  24. David Hardidge (1.09 MB)
  25.  (France)
  26. WSP Opus (406.57 KB)
     (New Zealand)
  27. APV (567.67 KB)
  28.  ()
  29. HoTARAC (619.05 KB)
  30.  (Malaysia)
  31.  (Canada)
  32.  ()