Member | Established: 2007 | Member since 2014
According to the Law No. 5/2011 of Public Accountant and the Government Regulation No. 20/2015 of Public Accountant Practices, IAPI is an independent organization and regulator of Public Accountants (Auditors). Its responsibilities include (i) implementing and setting IPD and CPD requirements for its members, for example, carrying out the Professional Public Accountant Examination; (ii) issuing audit standards to be applied by auditors; (iii) issuing and monitoring a code of professional conduct for its members; (iv) establishing an I&D for its members; and (v) establishing a quality assurance (QA) review system for its members. Membership with the IAPI is mandatory for all public accountants. In addition to being an IFAC Member, IAPI is also an associate member of the ASEAN Federation of Accountants.
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Statements of Membership Obligation (SMO)
The Statements of Membership Obligations form the basis of the IFAC Member Compliance Program. They serve as a framework for credible and high-quality professional accountancy organizations focused on serving the public interest by adopting, or otherwise incorporating, and supporting implementation of international standards and maintaining adequate enforcement mechanisms to ensure the professional behavior of their individual members.
Last updated: 12/2023
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Status of Fulfillment by SMO
SMO 1: Quality Assurance
The IAPI has been conducting QA reviews of its members since January 2011. Reviews are conducted by ad-hoc teams of partners and managers of Indonesian accounting firms, whom IAPI supports with training programs to enhance their skills and knowledge.
IAPI reports that its QA system is developed in line with the requirements of SMO 1 and covers its entire membership base (those who provide assurance and non-assurance services) although the adoption of ISQM 1, 2, and ISA 220 (revised) will occur over the next 2 – 3 years.
To support its members, IAPI organizes CPD around QA-related topics and has also highlighted results of reviews for its members. IAPI has also developed its own quality review software to be used by its members. Educational opportunities to allow students and non-members to understand all aspects of quality assurance and local reviews are also offered by IAPI. CPD programming around the quality management standards are being considered. An overall review of the existing quality assurance program and guidelines began in May 2023 and is in progress.
Currently, IAPI’s QA system includes guidelines on quality review which were set in April 2023. For the 2023 period, QA reviews were conducted in a hybrid (onsite and/or offsite) format. IAPI and other regulators discussed in advance the planning program (ex: sampling firm to be review, the risks size, schedules, etc.) to stay coordinated and also continue to increase the number of firms to be review.
Given the effective date and significant changes for firms posed by the quality management standards and ISA 220 (revised), IAPI should begin providing training and guidance to its membership on these standards as soon as possible – even ahead of the official adoption. If not already doing so, IAPI should also be considering the new standards as part of its overall review of the QA program that it began in Q2 2023 to determine if and how its review procedure may need to be amended to inspect systems of quality management.
As noted previously, a joint QA review could benefit the profession in Indonesia reducing overlaps and burdens between all parties involved. In collaboration with other stakeholders, the resulting system should remain in line with the international best practices formulated in SMO 1.
Current Status: Review & Improve
SMO 2: International Education Standards
The Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia – IAPI) is one of four bodies responsible for setting IPD and CPD requirements for accountancy professionals in the jurisdiction. IAPI is responsible for administering exams for Public Accountants (Auditors), offering CPD, monitoring CPD, and coordinating with its I&D committee to report members who fail to comply with CPD regulations.
The IAPI reviews the existing curriculum and syllabus on a regular basis and reports that the latest IES requirements are incorporated into the educational programs. To support the development of its members, the IAPI facilitates CPD by conducting technical and non-technical workshops, hosting seminars and short courses, and organizing local conferences. In addition, the IAPI informs members about various CPD opportunities by posting information on its website and in e-newsletters.
Current Status: Sustain
SMO 3: International Standards on Auditing
Under the Public Accountants Law of 2011, the Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia/Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (IAPI) has direct responsibility for setting auditing standards in Indonesia. It does so via the Indonesian Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (“Indonesian AASB”) which has adopted the Indonesian Public Accountant Professional Standards (SPAPs) based on the ISA and translated into Bahasa Indonesia. The SPAPs are currently based on the 2020 IAASB Handbook. The Indonesia AASB is reviewing and has made plans to adopt ISA 315 (revised 2019), ISQM 1, 2, and ISA 220 (revised), and ISA 600 over the next two—three years.
During the period from 2022 up to mid-2023, IAPI adopted the revisions to ISAE 3000, ISRE 2400 and ISRE 2410. The ISAE 3410 is also currently in the process of adoption and is expected to be finalized in Q3 2023. IAPI has indicated that it is putting great effort into fully adopting ISAs and other IAASB pronouncements, exposing them for public consultation, seeking approval for the standards, and disseminating them to its members. Indonesian AASB aims to maintain a two-year gap in adopting the IAASB Handbook and other relevant pronouncements, which is a significant milestone for the association given the stringent and meticulous process to get regulator buy-in and inform the public of changes. IAPI has indicated that updates regarding these initiatives will be shared as they progress within the regular review and adoption cycle. As part of the local standard-setting process, IAPI also participates in regional and international standard-setting activities.
The IAPI provides implementation support to its members, including developing implementation guidelines, standards’ updates in its continuing professional development materials, and disseminating information from the IAASB through email, social media and the IAPI website. The most recent update pertained to the implementation of ISQM.
IAPI’s commitment and efforts, in dialogue with other regulators, to reduce the time lag in the official adoption of new and revised IAASB standards and pronouncements is noted and commendable. Whenever feasible, the IAPI is encouraged to prepare and align its adoption process as close as possible to IAASB effective dates. Before official adoption of the standards, IAPI is also encouraged to begin implementation support for its membership as well as part of a robust change management approach.
Current Status: Review & Improve
SMO 4: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
IAI, IAPI, and IAMI as the three recognized PAOs in Indonesia have published a joint Code of Ethics for all professional accountants in Indonesia called the Kode Etik Akuntan Indonesia. This Code is aligned with the 2020 International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Currently, IAI, IAPI and IAMI are in an ongoing process to adopt revisions that are a part of the 2022 International Code of Ethics, with the expected completion date set for 2023. IAPI’s goal is to maintain a two-year gap in adopting the IESBA Handbook and other relevant pronouncements.
The IAPI’s education division is responsible for conducting CPD programs and informational sessions on ethical requirements and the Code. IAPI’s ethical programs and courses are also available to all exam candidates, university students, and the public.
IAPI’s CPD requirements include mandatory courses on ethics, which allows members to obtain their license to practice from the MOF. Members are also required on an annual basis to take the ethical oath as part of renewing their membership. CPD on ethics is offered every month to all members. Some CPD courses are conducted with both IAI and IAMI and are sponsored by the regulators. In 2020, IAPI conducted extensive training on the NOCLAR standards, with the support of the regulators.
It is commendable that the three PAOs have come together to develop a joint Code of Ethics. This is a major sign of progress not only for IAPI but the profession. Whenever feasible, the IAPI is encouraged to prepare and align the adoption process as close as possible to IESBA effective dates. Before official adoption of the standards, IAPI is also encouraged to begin implementation support for its membership as well as part of a robust change management approach.
Current Status: Review & Improve
SMO 5: International Public Sector Accounting Standards
The Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia – IAPI) has no legal responsibility for the adoption of public sector accounting standards. It applies it best efforts to regularly update its members on announcements by the IPSASB and participate in the Government Accounting Standard Committee, which is responsible for the adoption of Government Accounting Standards in Indonesia. In addition, the IAPI makes IPSASs available on the IAPI website, and offers continuing professional development on the implementation of public sector accounting standards.
Current Status: Sustain
SMO 6: Investigation and Discipline
The Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (Institut Akuntan Publik Indonesia – IAPI) is one of three bodies responsible for I&D of accountancy professionals in Indonesia. The IAPI’s Komite Disiplin dan Investigasi/Investigation and Discipline Committee (KDI) is responsible for ensuring that the I&D system for its members is in line with SMO 6 requirements and for conducting the investigation and discipline of members. The Komite Kehormatan Profesi/Appeals Committee, which is independent from the KDI but operates within the IAPI, is responsible for hearing appeals by members who have been sanctioned by the KDI. IAPI has self-assessed its enforcement system and states it is aligned with the requirements of SMO 6 and that it continually reviews the SMO 6 criteria to ensure fulfillment. IAPI reported reviewing 8 cases in 2019 and 5 cases in 2020.
IAPI reports it has had ongoing discussions with regulators to establish a combined I&D system — going beyond its inter-institutional cooperation for serious violations — to eliminate overlaps in work conducted by the respective bodies. More time is required for these discussions as the bodies first consider a joint-QA review system.
IAPI has demonstrated that, within the scope of its authority, it is committed to meet the SMO 6 best practices and has brought its I&D system in line with SMO 6 requirements. At the jurisdiction level, IAPI is encouraged to continue to raise awareness about best practices in investigation and discipline among other stakeholders and to work jointly to establish an I&D system for all professional accountants in the jurisdiction that remains in line with the international bet practices for I&D systems as formulated in SMO 6.
Current Status: Sustain
SMO 7: International Financial Reporting Standards
The DSAK-IAI, under the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia – IAI), is the independent national accounting standard-setting body that establishes the Indonesian Financial Accounting Standards (Standar Akuntansi Keuangan – SAK) which are based on the latest IFRS with adjustments to the effective date.
The IAPI does not have legal responsibility for setting accounting standards in Indonesia and uses its best endeavors to fulfill the other obligations of SMO 7. It is represented on IAI’s Financial Accounting Standard Board. The IAPI’s other activities are focused on providing continuing professional development programs through seminars on accounting standards for its members, and these seminars are also open to the public. The IAPI reports that it also holds joint CPD events with the IAI and liaises with industry associations to promote the adoption of full IFRSs.
Current Status: Sustain
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