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Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus

Member | Established: 1961 | Member since 1977

The ICPAC was established in 1961 in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law, Cap. 113. ICPAC membership is comprised of practicing and non-practicing accountancy professionals. Practicing professionals are accountants and auditors in public practice who possess a practicing certificate and provide accounting, audit, tax, consulting, company administration services, insolvency and other services. Non-practicing accountancy professionals work in the public and private sectors and are not required. In accordance to the Law, all statutory auditors and audit firms must be registered with a Recognised Body of Auditors (RBA). As of the date of the assessment, ICPAC is the only RBA in Cyprus. ICPAC, as an RBA, was delegated the following duties: (i) application of technical standards and of other standards on professional ethics and internal quality control of registered auditors and statutory audit work, including provision for securing compliance with those standards; (ii) establishing and maintaining the public register of auditors and audit firms; (iii) registration of individuals or firms satisfying the criteria of the Auditors Law of 2017; (iv) implementing procedures for maintaining the competence of registered auditors; (v) monitoring of registered auditors and audit work; and (vi) implementing an investigative and disciplinary (I&D)  system for accountants, accounting firms, and students whereas the CyPAOA is responsible for the implementation of an I&D system for all statutory auditors and audit firms. In addition to being a member of IFAC, ICPAC is a member of Accountancy Europe and the Mediterranean Federation of Accountants.

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Statements of Membership Obligation (SMO)

The Statements of Membership Obligations form the basis of the IFAC Member Compliance Program. They serve as a framework for credible and high-quality professional accountancy organizations focused on serving the public interest by adopting, or otherwise incorporating, and supporting implementation of international standards and maintaining adequate enforcement mechanisms to ensure the professional behavior of their individual members.

Last updated: 04/2024
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SMO Action Plan

Status of Fulfillment by SMO

  • SMO 1: Quality Assurance

    The Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board (CyPAOB) is responsible for the quality assurance (QA) review system for the audits of financial statements in accordance with the Auditors Law of 2017. Following the enactment of a formal agreement initially signed on 12 September 2017 and subsequently revised on 10 July 2020, ICPAC has been officially delegated the responsibility of conducting a QA review system for firms that audit non-public interest (PIEs) entities while CyPAOB conducts QA reviews of audit firms that audit PIEs.

    ICPAC administers the system with the assistance of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). ICPAC reports in its 2021 SMO Action Plan that its system is fully aligned with SMO 1 requirements and incorporate supervision for anti-money laundering purposes. Upon completion of its review of the revised requirements of SMO 1 in 2014, ICPAC incorporated the necessary changes and raised member awareness of the requirements.

    ICPAC reports that it regularly reviews its QA review system to maintain alignment with SMO 1 requirements and will continue to work closely with CyPAOB to ensure continued alignment at the jurisdiction level.

    ICPAC incorporates ISQM 1 & 2 in its educational programming, provides its members with implementation support materials, and continue to raise awareness of its members about the changes. ICPAC also provides up-to-date, relevant information in its monthly technical alert, quarterly magazine, Accountancy Cyprus and facilitates access to IFAC Global Knowledge Gateway. ICPAC offers a number of educational seminars for its members in order to strengthen their knowledge and compliance. The QA review team is properly qualified and trained by the ACCA. Furthermore, the Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering Activities Law renders ICPAC as the Supervisory Authority for auditors and trust and company service providers for anti-money laundering purposes.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 2: International Education Standards

    With initial professional development (IPD) requirements established in the law, ICPAC is responsible for their implementation as well as for administering, training and monitoring of the continuing professional development (CPD) program.

    ICPAC reports in its SMO Action Plan that it established an ongoing process to review the requirements of the revised IES and determine whether its IPD and CPD requirements comply with those of the revised IES. ICPAC reports that the revision of the requirements of its CPD scheme to align with IES 8 were completed by December 2016.

    In 2022, ICPAC completed a comprehensive review of the existing educational requirements for professional accountants in the jurisdiction against those of revised 2019 IES and confirms alignment.

    ICPAC reports that it uses email and the institute’s quarterly magazine and website to ensure that members and other stakeholders are informed of any updated or revised standards. ICPAC collaborates with the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), its partner in the joint examination scheme, to ensure that the examination and CPD syllabi incorporate new and revised international accounting, auditing, internal control, and ethical standards. ICPAC members are subject to a mandatory CPD program which entails 40 hours of relevant CPD annually. Members are required to make an annual declaration of their CPD fulfillment. In 2023, ICPAC established a separate checklist on IES 8 for audit practitioners for specific areas of training required and has been working on educating members on the importance of quality of the CPD courses (i.e., relevance to their position) and not just quantity. The annual CPD Declaration was also revised in 2022 and further in 2023 to incorporate relevant declaration option for ICPAC Members who are practitioners and/or appointed compliance officers in an ICPAC regulated entity.

    In addition, ICPAC delivers a wide range of courses and training opportunities to its members. In 2016, the Institute together with ACCA provided CPD training to focus on the revised IES 8.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 3: International Standards on Auditing

    Until the European Commission adopts ISA, the Law requires application of ISA as issued by IAASB in Cyprus.

    A number of duties were delegated to the Institute of Certified Public Accountants (ICPAC) via a formal agreement initially signed on 12 September 2017 and subsequently revised on 10 July 2020. ICPAC, as a Recognised Body of Auditors (RBA), was delegated the duty to enforce audit procedures or requirements for members, which as of the date of the assessment is ISA as issued by IAASB.

    ICPAC focuses on ensuring that members of the profession have access to the necessary education and training for implementing new and revised standards and translations of the standards in Greek.

    Whenever new ISA pronouncements are issued, ICPAC provides practical guidance via technical circulars to its members. ICPAC circulates the update to its members and has designs and offers educational presentations for all its members to familiarize themselves with the new standards.

    The Institute reports to monitor the IAASB work program, review exposure drafts, and disseminate information on changes to members of the profession and other stakeholders via email, its monthly technical alert, its quarterly magazine, Accountancy Cyprus and its new website that was launched in early 2015.

    ICPAC indicates that it collaborates with the Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (ELTE) and the Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board on translating IAASB pronouncements into Greek according to IFAC translation policy. In 2022, ISA 805 (Revised) and ISA 800 (Revised) were translated into Greek by the Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (HAASOB) and disseminated to support implementation. In 2023, the International Standard on Related Services (ISRS) 4400 (Revised) was translated.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 4: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

    ICPAC shares responsibility for the adoption of ethical standards for the accountancy profession with Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board (CyPAOB), which mandates application of the IESBA Code of Ethics for all auditors. In addition, ICPAC’s regulations require its members, both auditors and non-auditors, to comply with the IESBA Code of Ethics. ICPAC collaborates with the Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (ELTE) to translate the requirements into Greek. As of the date of this assessment, the 2015 version of the IESBA Code has been translated into Greek and disseminated to members.

    ICPAC reports that it supports the ongoing adoption and implementation of the Code of Ethics by monitoring the IESBA’s work programs and circulating all new and revised pronouncements to its members and the public. ICPAC reports to have adopted the 2023 version in its entirety and distributed printed versions of the Handbooks to its members. A link to the electronic version of the 2023 Handbook is also available on the ICPAC website.

    New information, as well as clarifications and practical guidance, is disseminated via email, the monthly technical alert, quarterly magazine, and the IESBA Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants Handbook is made available on an annual basis. ICPAC has provided dedicated alerts on the upcoming revisions in the 2023 Handbook, such as revisions on NAS and fee-related provisions. Additionally, ICPAC provides a variety of courses in the initial professional development and continuing professional development programs on IESBA pronouncements to raise awareness, improve understanding, and enhance compliance with the requirements. Finally, the institute reviews IESBA exposure drafts and participates in Accountancy Europe’s relevant group.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 5: International Public Sector Accounting Standards

    Although ICPAC has no direct responsibility for the adoption of public sector accounting standards in Cyprus, it indicated in its 2021 SMO Action Plan that it promotes the adoption of IPSAS to the Accountant General—the authority responsible for setting public sector accounting standards.

    ICPAC has established a Public Sector Committee and the committee members participate as observers in a Government Steering Committee that was established to explore the adoption and implementation of accrual IPSAS. ICPAC reports that the Government’s Steering Committee has issued an action plan outlining a timeline to convert from the currently applicable cash-basis accounting standards to the accrual-basis standards. The action plan was launched in April 2016 by the Treasury Department and is expected to be completed in 2026.

    ICPAC’s Public Sector Committee also monitors the IPSASB’s work program and provides updates to members via email and the institute’s quarterly magazine, Accountancy Cyprus. The institute intends to disseminate information on IPSAS on the ICPAC website.

    The Institute reports that it collaborates with the Ministry of Finance and the Public Administration and Finance Committee for the training of ICPAC members who work in the public sector. On average, ICPAC organizes two education seminars annually designed and available only for public sector members of the Institute.

    ICPAC is encouraged to participate in the international standard-setting process by providing comments on IPSASB Exposure Drafts, if deemed relevant.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 6: Investigation and Discipline

    The Auditors Law of 2017 (the Law) enforces an investigation and disciplinary procedure (I&D) for statutory auditors and/or audit firms in the jurisdiction, under the direct responsibility of the Cyprus Public Audit Oversight Board (CyPAOB).

    Initially, the responsibility to deal with complaints and therefore to enforce an I&D system for statutory auditors and/or audit firms, was delegated to the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) by signing a formal agreement on 12 September 2017.

    However, the said agreement was revised on 10 July 2020 and required ICPAC to transfer all disciplinary cases and other complaints received pertaining to statutory auditors or audit firms to CyPAOB for processing as stated by the relevant Law.

    ICPAC since then remains responsible for the professional conduct of its members and hence is responsible for the I&D process of accountants, accounting firms, and students.

    Matters relating to misconduct, ethics and disciplinary action are identified through complaints and/or initiated ex-officio by ICPAC. Regulatory/administrative matters are identified mostly through the Quality Assurance system.

    ICPAC in 2021 launched the Regulatory/Administrative Committee and raised awareness to the public and its members through circulars for the new ‘Regulation for the Administrative Procedures and the Process of Imposing Administrative Sanctions’ and for the new Disciplinary Regulation that came in force.

    Both the Regulatory/Administrative Committee and the Disciplinary Committee are independent of the management and Council of ICPAC and can impose any conditions or penalties they consider appropriate, evaluating the merits of each case. Appeal against the decisions of the Regulatory/Administrative Committee and/or the Disciplinary Committee may be exercised by the affected person to the District Court.

    Wherever appropriate, ICPAC reports information to and liaises with other competent authorities and professional organizations in this area. National judicial system investigations and rulings take precedence over the ICPAC I&D process.

    ICPAC reports that the system was last reviewed in 2021 during the revision of ICPAC’s I&D Regulations to ensure that they continue to comply with the requirements of revised SMO 6.CyPAOB

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 7: International Financial Reporting Standards

    ICPAC has no direct responsibility for the adoption of corporate sector accounting standards but has a well-established process for supporting adoption and implementation of EU-endorsed IFRS.

    The Institute monitors the IASB work programs, and reviews exposure drafts and other pronouncements released by the IASB through the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group. ICPAC also disseminates updates on IASB information to its members and key stakeholders via email, its monthly technical alert, its quarterly magazine, its website, and makes copies of the IFRS bound volumes available.

    Furthermore, the Institute ensures that initial professional development and continuing professional development programs include educational resources and courses on standard-related topics and provides technical support to members on the implementation of the standards. ICPAC is in the process of signing an agreement with an external organization for the provision of technical advice on international financial reporting and auditing.

    Current Status: Sustain


IFAC bears no responsibility for the information provided in the SMO Action Plans prepared by IFAC member organizations. Please see our full Disclaimer for additional information.


PO Box 24935,
CY-1355, Nicosia