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Ordre National des Experts Comptables du Gabon

Associate | Established: 2018

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Statements of Membership Obligation (SMO)

The Statements of Membership Obligations form the basis of the IFAC Member Compliance Program. They serve as a framework for credible and high-quality professional accountancy organizations focused on serving the public interest by adopting, or otherwise incorporating, and supporting implementation of international standards and maintaining adequate enforcement mechanisms to ensure the professional behavior of their individual members.

Last updated: 12/2024
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SMO Action Plan

Status of Fulfillment by SMO

  • SMO 1: Quality Assurance

    Gabon is a member state of two regional communities—the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)—which stipulate requirements for quality assurance (QA) review systems in their respective regulations. The regulations ultimately delegate responsibility to the PAOs in each member state to adopt and implement QA review procedures. ONEC Gabon indicates that its bylaws adopted in 2018 stipulates the responsibility to organize the quality review system for individuals and firms.

    ONEC Gabon has completed the SMO 1/QA self-assessment and indicated plans to develop a QA review system and implement it in 2024 that would meet the SMO 1 benchmark. The reviews will be cycle-based. Through 2025, ONEC expects that the reviews will be focused on ISQM 1 (organization of firms). And from end of 2025, will be extended to ISQM2 and ISA 220 (for audit engagements).

    ONEC-Gabon states it has integrated into its training program modules on ISQM 1, IQM 2 and ISA 220 for both its members and quality controllers ( via Train the Trainers) on relevant standards over the last three years.

    The operationalization of a QA reviews and building ONEC Gabon technical capacity are important next steps. Best practice for this area should guide ONEC Gabon and we encourage ONEC Gabon to continue to offer trainings and CPD. In addition, ONEC Gabon should work to ensure that QA review system is appropriately linked with its investigation and discipline process.  

    The institute is also encouraged to continue to support the implementation of ISA 220, ISQM 1 and ISQM 2 among members. Resources on the quality management standards are available on the IAASB website. 

    Current Status: Execute

  • SMO 2: International Education Standards

    The Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) regulations issued in 2001 state that candidates who wish to become CEMAC-accredited Public Accountants must be holders of a public accountancy diploma certification, or an advanced diploma in accountancy that is recognized by competent authorities. In practice, this is the French Diplôme d’expertise comptable (DEC). According to the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC) and Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables (CSOEC), the DEC qualification is aligned with the IES requirements.

    At a national level, the Association for the Development of Accounting Studies (ADEC) has set up a French National training course in chartered accounting Diploma, in partnership with the National Institute of Economic and Accounting Techniques (INTEC) in Paris. With 60% of the board seats, ONEC Gabon is largely running the ADEC to provide training for accounting professionals seeking the DEC qualification with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.

    Candidates must also undergo a three-year internship in a chartered accountancy firm before officially obtaining the DEC. After obtaining the DEC and presenting a dissertation, individuals must receive authorization from CEMAC and register with a PAO in their jurisdiction as a Public Accountant to offer any accountancy services. The implementation of the education and training process varies by CEMAC member states.

    To remain is good standing, ONEC Gabon members are required to complete 120 hours of CPD over a period of 3 years and a minimum of 20 hours must completed per year.

    To further the implementation of IES 5, ONEC is planning to update its membership requirements to include acquired rights and experience for the candidates for membership.

    ONEC Gabon also undertaken outreach with OHADA secretariat to advocate to promote the extension of the DECOFI at regional and national level and make the governance of the DECOFI diploma more inclusive.

    ONEC has made remarkable progress in the implementation of the qualification has made sure the qualification meets the 2019 IES requirements. The institute is encouraged to continue its efforts to subject the DEC qualification to same rigorous process and revision as ONEC is taking over the management of the qualification.

    Current Status: Execute

  • SMO 3: International Standards on Auditing

    Gabon is a member state of two regional communities—the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)—which have authority to issue and approve applicable auditing standards. In June 2017, the OHADA issued Regulation No. 01/2017/CM/OHADA Pratiques Professionelles de la Comptabilité et de l’Audit dans les pays membres de l’OHADA to harmonize regional auditing standards with international best practice. The regulation states that effective from January 1, 2018, all audits in member states be conducted in accordance with ISA as issued by the IAASB.

    ONEC Gabon supports the implementation of ISA as issued in line the regional requirements. ONEC regularly offers CPD to its members on recent revisions and produces auditing tools. Examples include: questionnaires to evaluate ISA implementation, OHADA guides, documents, and templates linked to the acceptance of missions, risk analyses, auditing procedures, synthesis and opinion).

    ONEC Gabon also indicates it participates in the OHADA standard-setting process, currently serving as the Vice President on the Ethics & Technical Committee since 2022.

    Current Status: Sustain

  • SMO 4: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants

    Gabon is a member state of two regional communities—the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)—which have authority to issue and approve applicable ethical standards. In 2017, OHADA issued Regulation No. 01/2017/CM/OHADA Pratiques Professionelles de la Comptabilité et de l’Audit dans les pays membres de l’OHADA to harmonize regional ethical requirements with international best practice. The regulation states that effective from January 1, 2018, professional accountants in OHADA member states must adhere to the OHADA Code of Ethics, which is based on the 2015 IESBA Code of Ethics and complemented by the ethical requirements related to the external auditor as contained in the OHADA Uniform Act on Accounting Law and Financial Information (AUDCIF).

    Section 5 of the Law No. 2011/009 Relating to the Practice of the Accounting Profession and the Functioning of the ONEC-Gabon authorizes ONEC-Gabon to set ethical requirements nationally for professional accountants. The ONEC Code of Ethics was developed in line with the requirement of the 2018 International Code of Ethics. ONEC indicates that it continuously trying to converge its own Code of Ethics and the IESBA Code. ONEC reports that it provides training on the requirements of the Code and monitors compliance among its members.

    OHADA regulations only incorporate up to the 2015 IESBA Code of Ethics. The ONEC Gabon is encouraged to leverage its advisory and advocacy role and share the 2022 International Code of Ethics, which is significantly revised, and now available in French with the OHADA and CEMAC so that they might coordinate and update regulations accordingly to align with international benchmarks. The institute is encouraged to note any implementation support it is providing related to the 2022 International Code of Ethics and include examples in its SMO Action Plan. Exploring the Code is available in French.

    Current Status: Execute

  • SMO 5: International Public Sector Accounting Standards

    At the regional level, the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) has set general rules on public accounting and a government accounting plan. In 2011, CEMAC issued Directive No. 02/11-UEAC-190-CM-22 which aimed to align public sector accounting standards with international best practices and standards. At the national level, the National Accounting Council (CNAC) is responsible for adopting public sector accounting standards in Gabon. IPSAS have not yet been formally adopted in Gabon.

    ONEC is a permanent member of the CNAC and in that context promotes the adoption of IPSAS. ONEC signed a Technical Assistance agreement with the General Directorate of Public Accounting and the Treasury and has provided training to public sector accountants on the requirements of the CEMAC standards. ONEC also facilitates the dissemination of the IPSAS to its members.

    ONEC Gabon training and advocacy efforts around IPSAS adoption are commendable. ONEC Gabon is encouraged to indicate if there is any update on plans for the adoption of the IPSAS by CEMAC. A 2015 version of IPSAS is available in French that the institute may consider sharing with relevant stakeholders. ONEC Gabon may consider use the Pathway to accrual and use the IFAC placemat to support its advocacy efforts Plus de transparence et de responsabilité dans le secteur public. In addition, ONEC Gabon may use Train the Trainer: Introduction to IPSAS available in French for the training of its trainers.

    Current Status: Review & Improve

  • SMO 6: Investigation and Discipline

    Law No. 022/201 of January 26, 2018, establishing ONEC, authorizes ONEC-Gabon to establish an I&D system for professional accountants for breaches of conduct and non-compliance. There are to be two bodies responsible for the I&D of its members: an Investigation and Disciplinary Committee and a Trial and Appeals Chamber. However, at this time, the ONEC Council is carrying out I&D procedures.

    ONEC-Gabon conducted a self-assessment—located within its SMO Action Plan—of its existing I&D mechanisms against the SMO 6 requirements. The self-assessment indicates that there are areas for further improvement in meeting the SMO 6 benchmark, including establishing a Disciplinary Board, committee composition, raising public awareness of enforcement procedures and proceedings, and a link with QA reviews. ONEC expects to formalize a Disciplinary Board in 2024.

    ONEC Gabon indicates that its training program will be updated to integrate modules on the disciplinary procedures and consequences of non-compliance. In addition, ONEC is planning to raise the awareness on the investigation and discipline process to its members and key stakeholders.

    I&D procedures that meet the SMO 6 benchmark are foundational to maintaining public trust and confidence in the profession. It is positive that ONEC Gabon receives and processes complaints to safeguard the public interest. ONEC Gabon should consider how it will proceed to establish a Disciplinary Board and ensure that the committee composition is in line with the requirements of SMO 6. In addition, ONEC Gabon needs to consider how to raise the awareness of the public on the existence of the investigation and discipline of enforcement procedures and proceedings. Finally, ONEC Gabon should ensure that once the QA review system is operational that the and a link with QA reviews. ONEC Gabon should indicate where it needs support from other stakeholders, such as the government, or knowledge sharing from other regional PAOs.

    Current Status: Plan

  • SMO 7: International Financial Reporting Standards

    The corporate financial framework of Gabon is determined by legislation issued by the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA). In January 2017, the Commission de Normalisation Comptable de l’OHADA (CNC)-OHADA adopted the OHADA Uniform Act on Accounting and Financial Information (AUDCIF) to update the previous OHADA Uniform Act on Organizing and Harmonizing Company Accounting Systems 2/2000. The previous Act had outlined the OHADA Accounting System and applicable standards—known as SYSCOHADA.

    The OHADA AUDCIF revised the SYSCOHADA, namely the OHADA general accounting plan, as well as the consolidated and combined accounting rules in order to serve as a single accounting reference in all OHADA member states. The OHADA AUDCIF became effective on January 1, 2018, for individual accounts and on January 1, 2019, for consolidated and combined accounts. The SYSCOHADA continue to differ from the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and are generally applied by small and medium-sized entities (SMEs); however, the AUDCIF now requires that listed companies and companies seeking financing in a public capital market to apply IFRS in consolidated statements. All other companies are permitted but not required to use IFRS.

    At the national level, ONEC Gabon builds awareness, organizes training on the adopted standards, and distributes communications issued by the IASB / IFRS Foundation.

    The IFRS Foundation has French translations of the IFRS readily available that the institute may consider sharing amongst its members and other stakeholders to support understanding and implementation. The institute could also consider advocating for the regional adoption of IFRS for SMEs as a permissible framework to bring SME reporting in line with international best practices.

    Current Status: Review & Improve


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