This project aims to:
- Obtain sufficient evidence through information gathering activities to evaluate whether current IESs are fit for purpose in the digital age; and
- Implement standards development activities that are in the public interest and responsive to the needs of stakeholders.
The scope of the project is focused on enhancing the professional competence and the evolution of the knowledge, skills, and behaviors needed in ICT by professional accountants. Planned project activities include developing an inventory of skills based on information gathering activities and performing an analysis to determine if the IESs are fit for purpose. Based on the strength of the evidence obtained through the information gathering activities, the IAESB decided to address identified gaps in the Initial Professional Development and the Continuing Professional Development of professional accountants by revising IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8 from the perspectives of Information and Communications Technologies and Professional Skepticism.
- David McPeak
- Anne-Marie Vitale (Taskforce Chair)
- Helen Partridge (Taskforce Secretary)
- Greg Owens
- Sidharta Utama
- Keryn Chalmers
- Steve Matzke
- Robert Zwane
- Susan Flis
- Sarah Hamlin
- Gabriela-María Farías-Martínez
Board Minutes
CAG Papers
April 2017 meeting: Agenda Item 4-1
October 2017 meeting: Agenda Item 4-1; Agenda Item 4-2; Agenda Item 4-3
CAG Minutes
Board Papers
November 2017 meeting:Agenda Item 6; Agenda Item 6-1
April 2018 meeting:Agenda Item 4-1
November 2018 meeting: Appendix 1 of Agenda Item 7-6
CAG Papers
November 2017 meeting: Agenda Item 4a; Agenda Item 4-1
April 2018 meeting: Agenda Item 3-1
Board Minutes
October 2018 meeting: Minutes-of-the-October-2018-IAESB-mtg VFinal
Board Papers
October 2018 meeting: Agenda Items: 2-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 2-2 A Mapping of Learning Goals to Learning Outcomes Final; 2-3 Revised and New ICT and Professional Skepticism Learning Outcomes - VMarked Up; 2-4-Revised-and-New-ICT-and-Professional-Skepticism-Learning-Outcomes-VClean ; 2-5 Conforming and Clarifying Changes to Extant Learning Outcomes - VMarked; 2-6 Conforming and Clarifying Changes Extant Learning Outcomes - VClean; 7-1 Exposure Draft of Learning Outcomes and Combined IESs 2, 3, 4 - Issues Paper; 7-2 Outline for Explanatory Memo for ICT PS Exposure Draft; 7-3 Revised New ICT and Professional Skepticism Learning Outcomes Clean; 7-4 Clarifying and Conforming Changes - Marked Up Version; 7-5 Proposed Combined IES 2 3 4 - VDraft October 16 2018; 7-6 Revised and New Learning Outcomes IESs 2, 3, 4 - Issues Paper (251K); 7-7 Outline for Exposure Memo for ED on Learning Outcomes and Combined IESs 2, 3, 4; 7-8 IES 2 Extant vs Proposed Learning Outcomes; 7-9 IES 3 Extant vs Proposed Learning Outcomes; 7-10 IES 4 Extant vs Proposed Learning Outcomes; 7-11 IES 8 Extant vs Proposed Learning Outcomes; 7-12 Revised and New ICT and PS Learning Outcomes - Marked Up Version; 7-13 Revised and New ICT and PS Learning Outcomes - Clean Version
CAG Papers
October 2018 meeting: Agenda Items: 3-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 3-2 A Mapping of Learning Goals to Learning Outcomes - Final; 3-3 Revised and New ICT and Professional Skepticism Learning Outcomes - VMarked Up; 3-4 Revised and New ICT and Professional Skepticism Learning Outcomes - VClean; 3-5 Conforming and Clarifying Changes to Extant Learning Outcomes - VMarked ; 3-6 Conforming and Clarifying Changes Extant Learning Outcomes - VClean
Board Minutes
October 2018 meeting: Minutes-of-the-October-2018-IAESB-mtg VFinal
CAG Minutes
October 2018 meeting: Minutes of the October 2018 IAESB CAG Meeting (190K)
Issued Document
CAG Papers
April 2019 meeting: Agenda Items: 2-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 2-2 Analysis of Comments - April 2019; 2-3 Underlying Data in Analysis of Comments;
May 2019 Teleconference meeting: Agenda Items: 2-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 2-2 ICT-Responses to Comments Received - Final; 2-3- Marked-up Version of IES 2, 3, 4, and 8- May 2019; 2-4 Clean Version of IES 2, 3, 4, and 8- May 2019; 2-5- Analysis of Comments- Final;
Board Papers
April 2019 meeting: Agenda Items: 2-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 2-2 Analysis of Comments - April 2019; 2-3 Underlying Data in Analysis of Comments; 2-4-ICT-Changes to ICT Learning Outcomes and Definition;
June 2019 Teleconference meeting: Agenda Items: 2-1 ICT Issues Paper Final; 2-2 ICT- Marked-up Version of Revised IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8 - June 6 2019; 2-3 ICT- Clean Version of Revised IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8 - June 6 2019; 2-4-ICT Related Learning Outcomes; 2-5 Analysis of Comments - Final; 2-6 Basis for Changes for Learning Outcomes with Four or More Comments;
June 2019 meeting: Agenda Items: 2-Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- Cover Paper; 2-1- ICT Issues Paper; 2-3-Marked-Up Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 24, 2019; 2-4-Clean Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 24, 2019; 2-5-Basis for Changes for ICT Learning Outcomes; 2-7-Marked-Up Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 25, 2019; 2-8-Clean Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 25, 2019; 2-9-Marked-Up Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 26, 2019; 2-10-Clean Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 26, 2019;2-11-Marked-Up Version of Revisions of IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8 from June 26 to Extant IESs; 2-12-Conforming Changes to Definitions for Revised IESs 2, 3, 4, and 8- June 26, 2019;
CAG Minutes
April 2019 meeting: Minutes of the April 2019 IAESB CAG Meeting (190K)
May 2019 Teleconference meeting: Minutes of the May 2019 teleconference IAESB CAG Meeting (190K)
Board Minutes
April 2019 meeting: Minutes-of-the-April 2019-IAESB-mtg VFinal
June 2019 Teleconference meeting: Minutes-of-the-June 2019-IAESB-Teleconference mtg VFinal
June 2019 meeting: Minutes-of-the-June 2019-IAESB-mtg VFinal
Issued Document
Accounting Education Insights: ICT Skills Development: The Digital Age and Opportunities for Accountants.
Accounting Education Insights: ICT Skills Development: Issues for the Accounting Profession.
Accounting Education Insights: ICT Skills Development: Developing Countries.
Accounting Education Insights: ICT Skills Development: Education