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IES 6, Assessment of Professional Competence

Proposed Redrafted International Education Standard
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:

This memorandum provides background to, and an explanation of, the proposed International Education Standard (IES) 6, Assessment of Professional Competence, approved for exposure by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) at its March 2011 meeting. The current version of IES 6 was published in May 2004 and became effective on January 1, 2005. IES 6 prescribes the requirements for a final assessment of a candidate's professional competence before qualification.

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Submitted Comment Letters

  1.  (Ireland)
  2. BDO (37.97 KB)
  3.  (United States of America)
  4. AAT (38.24 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  5. Grant Thornton (179.52 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  6.  (Hungary)
  7.  (Japan)
  8.  (United Kingdom)
  9. ACCA (1.39 MB)
     (United Kingdom)
  10. CPA Australia (62.24 KB)
  11.  (South Africa)
  12. CGA-Canada (259.14 KB)
  13.  (Singapore)
  14.  (Ireland)
  15.  (Malaysia)
  16.  (Italy)
  17.  (Germany)
  18.  (Australia)
  19.  (South Africa)
  20.  (Canada)
  21. HKICPA (1016.85 KB)
  22. FEE (54.44 KB)
  23. KPMG (116.63 KB)
  24. NZICA (304.27 KB)
     (New Zealand)
  25. AICPA (350.38 KB)
     (United States of America)
  26.  ()
  27. ICAEW (42.56 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  28. EFAA (263.74 KB)
  29. PWC (194.58 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  30.  (Canada)
  31. CICA (45.66 KB)
  32.  (India)
  33. ICAS (197 KB)
  34.  (Brazil)
  35.  (Brazil)
  36. CIPFA (59.99 KB)
     (United Kingdom)
  37.  (China)
  38. CSOEC CNCC (47.02 KB)
  39. POB (1.27 MB)
     (United Kingdom)
  40. IRBA (133.62 KB)
     (South Africa)