IES 6, Assessment of Professional Competence
Proposed Redrafted International Education Standard
| Exposure Drafts and Consultation Papers
Comments due by:
This memorandum provides background to, and an explanation of, the proposed International Education Standard (IES) 6, Assessment of Professional Competence, approved for exposure by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB) at its March 2011 meeting. The current version of IES 6 was published in May 2004 and became effective on January 1, 2005. IES 6 prescribes the requirements for a final assessment of a candidate's professional competence before qualification.
Copyright © 2024 The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). All rights reserved.
Proposed-Revised-International-Education-Standard-6 (PDF | 122.68 KB)
Supplement-to-Proposed-ED-of-IES-6-(Revised) (PDF | 103.93 KB)
Submitted Comment Letters
Chartered Accountants Ireland (85.54 KB)(Ireland)
BDO (37.97 KB)(Belgium)
AAT (38.24 KB)(United Kingdom)
Grant Thornton (179.52 KB)(United Kingdom)
Chamber of Hungarian Auditors (347.94 KB)(Hungary)
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (64.9 KB)(United States of America)
Ernst & Young Global Limited (106.52 KB)(United Kingdom)
ACCA (1.39 MB)(United Kingdom)
CPA Australia (62.24 KB)(Australia)
(South Africa)
CGA-Canada (259.14 KB)(Canada)
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (576.54 KB)(Japan)
Malaysian Institute of Accountants (53.1 KB)(Malaysia)
Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili CNDCEC (1.22 MB)(Italy)
Institut der Wirtschaftsprufer (IDW) (147.85 KB)(Germany)
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia (199.03 KB)(Australia)
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Singapore (278.12 KB)(Singapore)
Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland (65.99 KB)(Ireland)
KPMG (116.63 KB)(Canada)
NZICA (304.27 KB)(New Zealand)
AICPA (350.38 KB)(United States of America)
Dr. Joseph S. Maresca CPA, CISA (12.51 KB)()
ICAEW (42.56 KB)(United Kingdom)
EFAA (263.74 KB)(Belgium)
PWC (194.58 KB)(United Kingdom)
The Public Accountants Council of the Province of Ontario (138.58 KB)(Canada)
CICA (45.66 KB)(Canada)
Ramachandran Mahadevan CA (27.62 KB)(India)
ICAS (197 KB)()
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (54.03 KB)(South Africa)
HKICPA (1016.85 KB)(China)
FEE (54.44 KB)(Belgium)
Denise Silva Ferreira Juvenal (198.17 KB)(Brazil)
CIPFA (59.99 KB)(United Kingdom)
The Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (715.91 KB)(China)
CSOEC CNCC (47.02 KB)(France)
POB (1.27 MB)(United Kingdom)
IRBA (133.62 KB)(South Africa)