IES 7, Continuing Professional Development: A Program of Lifelong Learning and Continuing Development of Professional Competence
This memorandum provides background to, and an explanation of, the proposed International Education Standard (IES) 7, Continuing Professional Development: A Program of Lifelong Learning and Continuing Development of Professional Competence (Redrafted) approved for exposure by the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB)in November 2010. The current version of IES 7 was published in May 2004 and became effective on January 1, 2006. IES 7 prescribes that member bodies implement a continuing professional development(CPD) requirement as an integral component of a professional accountant's continued membership. Such a requirement contributes to the profession's objective of providing high-quality services to meet the needs of the public (including clients and employers).
Exposure-Draft-and-Memo-for-IES-7 (PDF | 143.07 KB)
Supplement-to-Proposed-ED-of-IES-7-(Redrafted) (PDF | 166.21 KB)
Submitted Comment Letters
SAICA (102.54 KB)(South Africa)
CMA Canada (34.44 KB)(Canada)
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) (229.36 KB)(United Kingdom)
ICAS (160.74 KB)(United Kingdom)
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (1.01 MB)(Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China)
ACCA (84.05 KB)(United Kingdom)
U. S. Government Accountability Office (52.7 KB)(United States of America)
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (62.87 KB)()
Chamber of Hungarian Auditors (58.93 KB)(Hungary)
CIPFA (105.42 KB)(United Kingdom)
Association of Accounting Technicians (32.78 KB)(United Kingdom)
Malaysian Institute of Accountants (47.12 KB)(Malaysia)
BDO (34.08 KB)(Belgium)
The Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (681.76 KB)(Japan)
Ernst & Young Global Limited (168.13 KB)(United Kingdom)
FACPCE (768.26 KB)(Argentina)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (38.59 KB)(United Kingdom)
New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (299.87 KB)(New Zealand)
Ian Dunnett (41.48 KB)(South Africa)
Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (71.95 KB)(Cyprus)
Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board (284.56 KB)(Ireland)
Certified General Accountants Association of Canada (133.13 KB)(Canada)
National Institute of Accountants in Australia (165.56 KB)(Australia)
IFAC – SMP Committee (116.19 KB)(United States of America)
Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (209.94 KB)(Pakistan)
KPMG (218.15 KB)(Canada)
Dr. Joseph S. Maresca (13.33 KB)()
American Institute of CPA (91.79 KB)(United States of America)
Institut der Wirtschaftsprufer (83.17 KB)(Germany)
European Federation of Accountants and Auditors for SMEs (274.59 KB)(Belgium)
Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commericalisti + E Degli Esperti Contabili (731.24 KB)(Italy)
Slovenska komora auditorov (39.52 KB)(Slovenia)
Hubert De Neef (13.08 KB)(Belgium)
Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan (26.93 KB)(Pakistan)
PricewaterhouseCoopers (201.93 KB)(United Kingdom)
Ramachandran Mahadevan CA (57.36 KB)(India)
Chartered Accountants Ireland (24.4 KB)(Ireland)
National Board of Accountants and Auditors (519 KB)(Tanzania, United Republic of)
Federation des Experts Comptables Europeans (44.34 KB)(Belgium)
Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España (100.02 KB)(Spain)