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The CFO & Finance Function and Anti-Corruption: Cultivating an Integrated Mindset

Date: July 9, 2024 | Time: - (UTC)


1:00-2:20pm UTC/3:00-4:20pm CEST/9:00-10.20am EDT

The CFO & Finance Function and Anti Corruption Event Banner

As part of the Brazilian B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force advocacy program and the  25th Anniversary of the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention campaign, join global experts to explore how to address corruption through an integrated mindset and collaborative approach!

The Integrity & Compliance Task Force of the B20 is one of the key global forums for advancing key anti-corruption issues.  In 2024, several of the priority topics include:

  • Private integrity and anticorruption measures designed to enhance responsible and sustainable governance;
  • Collective Action with public sector, private sector and civil society to promote integrity and resilience in value chain; and,
  • Transparency and accountability to effectively tackle corruption, in both demand and supply side

At the same time, 2024 marks the 25th anniversary of OECD Anti-Bribery Convention, one of the world’s leading anti-corruption legal instruments, which has been instrumental in driving positive global change on the issues of bribery and corruption.

While integrity, anti-corruption and collective action are traditionally considered under the purview of the Chief Compliance Officer and Compliance function, the importance of these issues necessitates a “whole of business approach.”  In this context, the Chief Financial Officer and the Finance function have important roles to play, and can best harness these opportunities by adopting an Integrated Mindset over all ESG activities and information. 

An "Integrated Mindset" denotes a strategic approach adopted by companies and their leadership, wherein financial and sustainability-related information is considered comprehensively, in an integrated manner. This collaborative and integrated approach to financial and sustainability-related information facilitates better-informed decision-making, leading to sustained value creation.

As highlighted by IFAC, ICAEW, and the Basel Institute on Governance in their new report Integrated Mindset in Practice: Professional Accountants in Business and Anti-Corruption Compliance that will be launched at the event, the “Integrated Mindset” doesn't limit itself to environmental considerations but extends across the whole spectrum of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, including anti-corruption compliance.  

The joint IFAC, ICAEW and Basel Institute on Governance webinar, organized under the auspices of the B20 and in collaboration with the OECD and Business at OECD (BIAC), will discuss the key role of the finance function in effectively applying an Integrated Mindset over anti-corruption compliance and enhancing an ethical culture of integrity and governance.  It will also highlight the importance of the Finance function being champions of Collective Action within their organizations. 

Draft agenda 

3:00pm Welcome, Scott Hanson, Director, IFAC

3.05pm Presentation of the main findings of the report Integrated Mindset in Practice by Gareth Brett, Interim Director, Trust and Ethics, ICAEW 

3:15pm Panel discussion moderated by Laura Takamizawa, Principal, IFAC

  • Nicola Allocca, B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force Co-Chair, Chair of the Business at OECD Anti-Corruption Committee
  • Sharon Ditchburn, Managing Director, Capital Advantage, IFAC Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group Vice Chair
  • France Chain, Senior Legal Analyst, Anti-Corruption Division, OECD
  • Scarlet Wannenwetsch, Senior Collective Action Specialist, Basel Institute on Governance

4.05pm Q&As

4:15pm Conclusions, Laura Takamizawa, IFAC

4:20pm End