What can companies do to promote sustainability and investor confidence?
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CEST | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT

The OECD just completed a review of the G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance to reflect the recent evolutions in capital markets and corporate governance policies and practices. The revised Principles aim to foster a corporate culture that aligns with today’s societal expectations, promotes trust and confidence, and supports the sustainability and resilience of the broader economy.
After their adoption by OECD Ministers in June and by G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors in July, the Principles will also soon be given the final endorsement at G20 level.
Business at OECD (BIAC), ecoDa and IFAC (The International Federation of Accountants) participated in all the phases of the review and are now delighted to invite you to discuss with global experts the main features of the revised Principles, with a focus on the new "Sustainability and Resilience" Chapter.
Draft Agenda
3.00pm Welcome Dan Konigsburg, Chair of BIAC’s Corporate Governance Committee
3.08pm Keynote speech Carmine di Noia, Director for Enterprise and Financial and Affairs, OECD
3.18pm Panel discussion moderated by Laura Leka, Principal, IFAC
- Pascal Durand-Barthez, ecoDa, Chair of ecoDa’s Advocacy Committee
- Odile de Brosses, EuropeanIssuers/Director Legal Services AFEP
- Sharon Ditchburn, Managing Director/Founder of Capital Advantage Consultants
- Paul Lee, Head of Stewardship and Sustainable Investment Strategy, Redington
- Alejandro Marchionna Faré, Honorary Secretary and and Academic Director , IGEP Argentina
4.15pm Q&As
4.28pm Conclusions
4.30pm End