Broadening the Accountancy Profession’s Reach in the Public Sector
Given the scale and complexity of public finances, competing demands on public resources, and the need for transparency and accountability for the management of public funds, the demand for finance and accounting professionals is high. However, many jurisdictions at central and local government levels experience difficulties in finding suitable candidates with the right skills for finance and accounting positions.
Furthering its purpose to act in the public interest and to contribute to South Africa’s economic and social advancement, South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) sets an example for how the accountancy profession can help to expand public sector accountant membership, increase professionalisation in public sector finance, consider future learning and development needs, and help fight corruption through its activities.
This case study was developed based on a presentation to the IFAC Professional Accountants in Business Advisory Group during their March 2023 meeting. For a full summary of the meeting, see the article: The Five Opportunities Making Accountancy a Passport to Meaningful Careers in the Private and Public Sectors.