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Quality Management Series: Small Firm Implementation, Installment Three

Monitoring and Remediation
| Support for Standards & Pronouncements

This is the third and final installment in a three-part publication series to help small- and medium-sized practices implement the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board’s new quality management standards. The IAASB’s suite of quality management standards were issued in December 2020 and came into effect in December 2022.

Installment Three: Monitoring and Remediation provides tips and guidance for the practical implementation of the monitoring and remediation of a firm’s system of quality management.  

Installment Three includes multiple documentation aids covering annual monitoring and evaluation of the system of quality management, cyclical inspection of completed audits and other engagements and a monitoring and remediation report to assist practitioners. It also continues the case study introduced in the previous installments. 

Installment One of the series addressed the mindset change the new standards require and the shift in focus from quality control to quality management. Installment Two covered development of an implementation plan for quality management.  

This series joins IFAC’s collection of available resources that support quality management implementation, including webinars, articles and videos, as well as the IAASB first-time implementation guides, all of which are available at

Monitoring and Remediation
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