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Volunteers are fundamental to IFAC and the Independent Standard-Setting Boards (SSBs). Both of these bodies depend on these highly talented individuals to help advance the global accountancy profession in the public interest.

Each year, approximately 260 volunteers serve on the Independent SSBs, collectively contributing more than 61,000 hours to developing and promoting international standards. On the IFAC side, over 200 volunteers serve on various Groups, devoting over 36,000 hours to achieving IFAC’s mission and strategic objectives.

Today, in recognition of International Volunteer Day, we express our utmost gratitude to our volunteers for their dedication, passion, ideas and hard work. This has been an extremely difficult year given the COVID-19 pandemic, but all our volunteers nonetheless continued in their active participation. Theirs has been a true commitment to our profession and to making the world a better place! Thank you!

We asked the volunteers of the Independent SSB and IFAC Groups to share their experiences and what they value most about their service. Watch this short video to hear their stories:

If you are interested in joining  this group of talented individuals, please apply for vacancies on the Independent Standard-Setting Boards or contact your Professional Accountancy Organization about being nominated for service on the IFAC Groups.

We invite you to share your experience volunteering on behalf of the profession in the comments section below and tag/share content on the Twitter (@IFAC, @IFAC_SMP@IAASB­_News, @IPSASB­_News, and @Ethics_Board) and LinkedIn

About International Volunteer Day:

International Volunteers Day, established by the UN General Assembly in 1985,  is an opportunity for us all to promote volunteerism, encourage governments to support volunteer efforts, and recognize volunteers’ contributions to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the local, national and international level. For more information, please visit the UN website.