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Upcoming Event: Regional SMO Workshop in Costa Rica

Feb 4, 2016 | New York, New York | English

In cooperation with IFAC Member Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Costa Rica (CCPCR), IFAC is hosting a Statements of Membership Obligations (SMOs) workshop in San Jose, Costa Rica, on February 13. The workshop will bring together leaders and representatives from 17 professional accountancy organizations in Central and South America and the Caribbean to address regional issues affecting the profession.

The event will also provide insights on the status of fulfillment of the IFAC SMOs in the region and provide the opportunity for a greater explanation and discussion of the Dashboard Reports methodology now used by IFAC. In addition, the event will be a key opportunity to share experiences, both successes and challenges, and identify opportunities for regional collaboration.

The event also supports the IFAC Member Compliance Program’s strategic objective of collaboration and seeks to help IFAC and the Compliance Advisory Panel more fully understand the challenges some jurisdictions face in adopting or implementing some of the SMOs.