In support of transparency, adoption, and implementation of international standards, as well as the public interest, IFAC has published comprehensive profiles of member organizations and the jurisdictions in which they operate on our website. The in-depth information demonstrates the widespread use of international standards and the efforts of IFAC member organizations to encourage adoption, advance implementation, and support the businesses, communities, and governments in their nations.
This issue of eNews will help users understand how to navigate the new content and what information is available. The images to the right are a key component of this eNews and the explanations below. Please email any feedback or questions to compliance@ifac.org.
From the Profiles landing page, you can discover which organizations are members and associates and access their organization and country profiles.
- Using the alphabetical listing or the interactive map, click on a country or organization name. As of August, more than 65 member organizations and 50 country profiles have been published (dark blue on the map); additional profiles will be published in the coming months. This web page also allows for a quick check of member and associate statusfor each organization.
- Country profiles include a listing of all IFAC member organizations in the jurisdiction, a description of the legal and regulatory environment, and the adoption status of international standards. Click the expand/collapse buttons (+) to see additional information.
- Organization profiles provide an assessment of fulfillment of the Statements of Membership Obligations as well as a brief description of the organization.
- Statements of Membership Obligations (SMO) Action Plan: now included on each member organization page.
- Adoption Methodology: the status of adoption of international standards is assessed following a methodology developed in consultation with the IFAC Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP).
- Understanding the Statements of Membership Obligations Fulfillment Status: Using the SMO Action Plan and publicly-available sources, IFAC assesses SMO fulfillment status for each member organization. Status is determined following a methodology developed in consultation with the CAP.
- Statements of Membership Obligations: In addition to being available via the publications section of the website, the SMOs are also now accessible on each organization profile page.
- November 15-17, 2016: IFAC Council Meeting, Brasilia, Brazil
- December 4, 2016: SMO Workshop, Jordan
- May 2017: CReCER
- May 2-5, 2017: Africa Congress of Accountants and SMO Workshop, Uganda
The IFAC Quality & Membership (Q&M) Team manages the IFAC Member Compliance Program and the membership admission process. The Program is overseen by the Compliance Advisory Panel and the Public Interest Oversight Board as one of IFAC’s public interest activities. The team acts as the primary point of contact for IFAC’s 179 member organizations and conducts targeted support and outreach activities to improve SMO fulfillment and support the adoption and implementation of international standards. Questions can be directed to compliance@ifac.org.