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IFAC Welcomes New Report on Climate-Related Financial Disclosure

Dec 18, 2020 | New York, New York | English

IFAC applauds the publication today of Reporting on Enterprise Value, Illustrated with a Prototype Climate-Related Financial Disclosure Standard, a new report from leading sustainability and integrated reporting organizations CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC, and SASB.

The report represents another milestone in the journey to enhancing corporate reporting, and stands to advance the dialogue between companies and their investors and stakeholders through reporting of sustainability-related information.

In September 2020, IFAC published The Way Forward, a call for the creation of an international sustainability standards board. Earlier this month, IFAC issued its response to the IFRS Foundation Consultation Paper on Sustainability Reporting, where we reiterated our view that the IFRS Foundation should establish a new sustainability standards board alongside the IASB, to focus on reporting requirements that address enterprise value creation, and to deliver at speed by leveraging the expertise and standards that already exist as a result of work by CDP, CDSB, GRI, IIRC, SASB as well as the TCFD.

Today’s report not only provides a valuable starting point for this IFRS initiative, but also clearly demonstrates the collaborative intent and effort of these organizations—now and going forward.

IFAC encourages our members and stakeholders to respond to the IFRS Consultation Paper by December 31. IFAC will continue to speak out on behalf of the global accountancy profession in support of a global solution for reporting sustainability information.