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New Platform from IFAC Offers Digital Access to International Accounting Standards – eIS

eIS aims to enhance adoption and implementation of professional standards on ethics, audit & assurance, and public sector accounting

Nov 4, 2021 | New York, NY | English

Today, the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) unveiled a new online resource providing unprecedented access to the international standards that support and distinguish the accountancy profession. eIS, short for e-International Standards, provides direct access to the standards developed by the International Audit and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), alongside key support, reference, and guidance materials, available to contextualize the language and provide enhanced transparency.

“Rooted in our commitment to the public interest, this platform responds to stakeholder needs by making international standards and their accompanying resources accessible and easy to use,” said Kevin Dancey, CEO of IFAC. “As we continue to focus on modern approaches and the use of technology to enhance our profession, the development of eIS was a natural next step in supporting our members around the world, and the 3.5 million professional accountants they represent.”

IFAC worked together with the standard-setting boards to develop a better way to access the standards. Through surveys and conversations with key stakeholders, IFAC identified the key elements required to deliver a modern platform allowing the profession easier access to international standards, while providing enhanced functionality in how the standards are used.

eIS features include:

  • a responsive design that can be used on mobile, tablet and desktop;
  • advanced and intuitive search capabilities;
  • easy access to related resources;
  • easy pop-up access to references;
  • version control functionality; and
  • easy-to-navigate pages with multiple viewing modes.

Learn more about eIS here or visit the platform today:


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IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of 180 members and associates in 135 countries and jurisdictions, representing more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.

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