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Practical Audit Quality Considerations

Auditor Reporting in the Pandemic Environment and Looking Ahead

Date: July 23, 2020 | Time: 07:00 AM


The focus on auditor’s reports has increased in the current environment as investors and other users of financial statements seek greater transparency from entities around the impacts of Covid-19 in the financial statements, as well as greater transparency into the audit. Covid-19 may result in a rise in modifications to the auditor’s opinion, or have other implications on the auditor’s report, such as inclusion of material uncertainties relating to going concern, use of emphasis of matter paragraphs, and for listed entities, implications for key audit matters (KAMs)/critical audit matters (CAMs).

In the final of a three-part webinar series, IFAC will convene a panel of audit experts to share their perspectives and practical insights on auditor reporting in the pandemic environment. The panel will also reflect more generally on lessons learned over the last few months.