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Preparing for the Post-COVID World

Experience of PAOs from Southeast Europe

Date: April 9, 2020 | Time: 07:00 AM


These are challenging and tough times. Our lives have changed, both personally and professionally and the world around us has come to a standstill, impacting national and global economies.

The accountancy profession has an important role to play to support governments, businesses, and its members as the crisis unfolds. There are immediate needs to be addressed by PAOs to remain financially viable and relevant to its members and other stakeholders. There are also long-term opportunities that need to be identified now, and acted upon, to be successful in the new environment that will emerge after the crisis is over.

On April 9, 2020 representatives of PAOs from Albania, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Romania will come together and join a virtual discussion facilitated by IFAC to brainstorm and share their experiences with responding to the COVID-19 crisis. Members of the IFAC PAO Development Committee will also participate to observe and to contribute. 

The conversation will focus on three main response areas: operations, provision of member services, and engagement with regulators. Representatives of the PAOs will share approaches they have undertaken, challenges they experienced, and how they overcame or are overcoming those.