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Asia-Pacific - Q&A Webinar - IFAC PAO Digital Readiness Assessment Tool

Hosts: IFAC (in partnership with cloudThing), CAPA, AFA & SAFA

Dates: April 7, 2021


In November 2020, IFAC in partnership with cloudThing launched the IFAC PAO Digital Readiness Assessment Tool (the Tool). 

The Tool was created to help and support IFAC member organizations on their digital journey. Each participating PAO will receive a report containing their results.

To support PAOs in the Asia-Pacific region, IFAC in partnership with cloudThing, the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA), ASEAN Federation of Accountants (AFA), and South Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA), will be co-hosting an English-speaking webinar on April 7, 2021 at 09:00 IST (India) / 10:30 WIB (Indonesia) / 11:30 MYT (Malaysia) / 13:30 AEST (Australia)

The webinar will feature speakers representing IFAC, CAPA. AFA, SAFA, and cloudThing; and will be followed by a live Q&A. This event is open to the leadership and staff of PAOs. In particular, it would be beneficial for decision-makers and those serving in technology related roles to attend.  

IFAC and its Network Partners in the region look forward to hosting this event and providing further insight on the Tool, its purpose, and to answer your questions!