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Accounting for climate: practical guidance to incorporating TCFD

Date: November 2, 2021 | Time: 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM


This event will help company professionals ready themselves to report on impending mandatory climate-related disclosures based on TCFD

About this event

The impacts of climate change are compelling regulators around the world to act. The SEC, EU and G7, for example, are looking to address these climate pressures and showing support through expanding mandatory disclosure laws. This has brought the role of accountants to the forefront and challenges companies and accountants to play an active role in determining the way climate change information is reported. Climate reporting can no longer be simply a narrative in the front end of financial statements. As climate change has irrefutable monetary impact, it must be reflected as such in financial statements.

Partnering with the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), the global voice for the accountancy profession, CDSB in this event will bring together 180 professional bodies that represent over 3.5 million accountants to the discussion and connect them with the UNFCCC’s climate action process. The aim is to raise awareness in respective roles and help understand how accountants working in business and in audit can be part of the solution to the climate crisis.


  • Kevin Dancey, Chief Executive Officer, IFAC
  • Rodney Irwin, Chief Operating Officer, WBSCD
  • Angelo Scipioni, Head of Administration, Enel Group​
  • Barbara Davidson, Senior Analyst - Climate and Accountancy, Carbon Tracker Initiative ​
  • Richard Manley, Managing Director, Head of Sustainable Investing, CPP Investment
  • Viola Lutz, Head of Climate Solutions, ISS

Moderator: Ravi Abeywardana, Technical Director, CDSB