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Rebuilding Trust – What is the role of finance & business in shaping the future

Date: November 2, 2021 | Time: 04:00 AM - 05:30 AM


As the world emerges from the pandemic, who will be trusted to support business recovery and to build the sustainable, resilient economies we need?

Chartered Accountants Worldwide have partnered with Edelman research to understand the views of over 1,000 international business leaders and the role that they expect the finance and business profession to play in shaping the future.

Join us and our global panel of speakers for the global launch of our Trust research on 2 November at 8.00-9.30 GMT, to discover who should lead in rebuilding trust and what the profession needs to do to show that business and finance can work in the public interest?

The speakers will consider what matters most now to business leaders as they recover and rebuild for the future? Key questions such as how we integrate sustainability into future business models, how we guard data integrity and how we tackle the misinformation crisis will all be under discussion.


  • Dan Thomas, Chief UK Business Correspondent, Financial Times


  • Ronan Dunne, Executive Vice President and Group CEO – Verizon Consumer
  • Freeman Nomvalo, CEO the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants
  • Penelope Mantzaris, Senior Vice President, Edelman Intelligence
  • Michael Izza, CEO, ICAEW and Chairman, Chartered Accountants Worldwide
  • Carolyn Colley – Non-Executive Director at the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX:ASX) and former Co-founder of Faethm