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Financial Accounting in the Circular Economy

Date: January 25, 2022 | Time: 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM


Financial Accounting in the Circular Economy: Redefining Value, Impact, and Risk to Accelerate the Circular Transition—Launch of the new paper by the Coalition Circular Accounting

This event is hosted in collaboration with the NBA (Koninklijke Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants—The Royal Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants), with support from sponsor Invest-NL

Accounting and financing have the potential to drive the circular transition. Current accounting and reporting techniques, designed for the linear economy, are often ill-equipped to truly capture the value and positive impact of circular businesses on society and the environment. Many questions remain unanswered: How can we rethink depreciation to reflect the true value of goods and materials? How can you account for 'waste' that is reused as a business's main resource? Why are circular business models perceived as riskier than their linear counterparts and what role does accounting play in changing that? The Coalition Circular Accounting is proud to present its paper Financial Accounting in the Circular Economy: Redefining Value, Impact, and Risk to Accelerate the Circular Transition, which sums up the challenges and solutions of circular business cases determined by experts from different fields over the course of the last two years. It points out the urgent role of accountants, financiers and regulators, at the same time providing hands-on solutions to make the circular economy a reality.

Join us on Tuesday, the 25th of January from 9:30 - 11:00 AM EST for a presentation of the findings and a moderated dialogue between experts on the role of accounting in the transition to a circular economy. From a variety of perspectives, ranging from external auditors to financiers, we explore the challenges and solutions of making circular accounting a reality. The new CCA paper will be published in advance so that its content will be available to everyone who is interested before the event.

Preliminary agenda:

  • • Introduction from the Coalition Circular Accounting
  • • Presentation of the main findings of the paper Financial Accounting in the Circular Economy: Redefining Value, Impact, and Risk to Accelerate the Circular Transition
  • • Panel discussion: moderated dialogue between speakers from the accounting, business and finance world.
  • • Q&A and interactive reflections on circularity & accounting
  • • Looking ahead & thank yous

Curious to know who's speaking? We can already confirm the following:

  • • Rens van Tilburg—Sustainable Finance Lab —Director
  • • Hans Stegeman—Triodos Bank—Chief Investment Strategist
  • • Kris Douma—NBA —Chair of the Board
  • • Usha Ganga—NBA —Topic Director Sustainability
  • • Diane Zandee—Trunkrs & Nyenrode Business School—CFO & PhD Candidate
  • • Marleen Janssen Groesbeek—Avans Hogeschool—Professor Sustainable Finance & Accounting
  • • Carl Drenth—Alfa Accountants Groningen-Assen—Director
  • • Guy de Sévaux—Invest-NL—Senior Advisor Circular Economy
  • • Aglaia Fischer—Circle Economy—Finance Initiative Lead
  • • Marvin Nusseck—Circle Economy—Finance and Metrics Strategist & Project Manager