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Integrity and Compliance Task Force Webinar: Optimizing Sustainability Governance Through a Single Set Of High-Quality Global Sustainability Reporting Standards

Date: April 12, 2022 | Time: 03:00 AM - 06:00 AM


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Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI) recognize the importance of Indonesia’s G20 Presidency in 2022. Together with International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), IAI is actively contributing to the cause, particularly through the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force. We appreciate the opportunity to work with the Task Force and contribute to the B20’s discussion towards establishing its policy recommendations to the G20.

In a global and interconnected world, there is an urgent call for the leaders of the G20 and business community to act on promoting sustainable governance in business to support Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) initiatives.

To achieve net zero emission target in tackling climate change and maintaining sustainability, a strong and solid sustainable governance is required. To promote sustainable governance in business, IAI in collaboration with the B20 and IFAC is organizing a virtual international webinar “Optimizing Sustainability Governance through a Single Set of High-Quality Global Sustainability Reporting Standards”.

As a member of the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force, IAI is honored to have the B20’s support to recognize the webinar as part of the B20 Integrity & Compliance Task Force Side Event, as initiated by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN). This webinar is part of a series of three B20 side events that will be organized by IAI and IFAC in 2022.

We are honored to have the B20 full support to recognize this important webinar as part of the B20 Side Event. The event will provide the latest and up-to-date information on sustainability disclosure standard that will be published by the International Sustainability Standard Boards (ISSB). More importantly, it will provide the opportunity for the B20 community and stakeholders to engage and discuss with leaders of the accountancy profession and those involved first-hand in the development of the standard.

We would be honored to invite you and your representatives to attend the discussion which will be conducted on:

Day/Date: Tuesday, 12 April 2022

Time: 2.00 PM - 5.00 PM (GMT +7)

Platform: Zoom


We are proud to welcome the following presenters to the webinar:

  1. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani (Chair, B20 Indonesia)
  2. Kevin Dancey (CEO, IFAC)
  3. Sue Lloyd (Vice-Chair, International Sustainability Standard Board (ISSB))
  4. Isabelle Tracq-Sengeissen (Board Member, IAASB and Sustainability Assurance Consultative Group IAASB)
  5. Ravi Abeywardana (Technical Director, ISSB)
  6. Rosita Uli Sinaga (Member, National Council, IAI and Chair, IAI Corporate Comprehensive Reporting Task Force)
  7. Agus Saptarina (Director of Accounting Standards and Governance, OJK)
  8. Kusumaningsih Angkawidjaja (Chair, IAPI)

Join us on this event to promote sustainable governance globally.

For further information, please visit the IAI website.