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Improving trust in tax to build a better world: looking beyond G20

Date: September 13, 2022 | Time: 09:00 AM - 09:45 AM


Global megatrends and challenges, exacerbated by the pandemic, have highlighted the importance of creating a more sustainable and fairer world. And this is particularly true for developing economies, where a constellation of new challenges ranging from the ongoing climate crisis, demographic transitions, to the urgent need to resume progress on reducing poverty, puts an additional pressure on governments to find responsible ways to spend more, while at the same time facing an unprecedented trust crisis. It’s a vicious circle: the lack of trust threatens the key resource enabling any government across the world to meet today’s challenges – in other words tax revenues - , and without effective tax systems, governments cannot deliver on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


3.00pm Welcome speech by Helen Brand,OBE, Chief Executive, ACCA and Alan Johnson, President of IFAC

3.15pm Keynote speech Grace Perez-Navarro, Deputy Director, Centre for Tax Policy and Administration, OECD

3.25pm Presentation of the main finding of the Public Trust in Tax: Non-G20 edition, Jason Piper, Head of Taxation at ACCA

3.35 Panel discussion moderated by Scott Hanson, Director, IFAC

  • Ayla Majjid, Founder and CEO, Planetiv, and board member of several organisations
  • Tomas Balco, Senior Adviser - BEPS Capacity Building Team, OECD
  • Rajul Awasthi,  Global Lead for Domestic Resource Mobilization, World Bank Group
  • Gabriel Vásquez Tristancho, Tax Partner, Baker Tilly Colombia

4.25pm Q&As

4.35pm Concluding remarks, Alta Prinsloo, CEO of PAFA

4.45pm End

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