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Translations Database

Accurate, high-quality translations are critical to ensuring the consistent global implementation of international standards. We work with our valued translating bodies to facilitate the translation of standards, as well as IFAC guidance, reports, and more in almost 50 languages. To reproduce a translation, or to assist IFAC with its translations initiative, please visit our online permission requests and inquiry (OPRI) system.

You can also visit the Knowledge Gateway to access the original English publication and see all related available and in progress translations.


Niewiążące materiały wspierające związane z technologią: często zadawane pytania (FAQ) dotyczące badania wyjątków i znaczenia istotności wykonawczej w przypadku korzystania ze zautomatyzowanych narzędzi i technik (ZNT)

Non-Authoritative Support Material Related to Technology, Frequently Asked Questions on Investigating Exceptions and Relevance of Performance Materiality When Using Automated Tools and Techniques
Translated by: Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors

Medzinárodný štandard riadenia kvality 1 (predtým Medzinárodný štandard na kontrolu kvality 1) Riadenie kvality pre firmy, ktoré vykonávajú audity a preverenia finančných výkazov a zákazky na ostatné uisťovacie a súvisiace služby

International Standard on Quality Management (ISQM) 1, Quality Management for Firms that Perform Audits or Reviews of Financial Statements, or Other Assurance or Related Services Engagements
Translated by:

Slovenska Komora Auditorov


Кесипкөй Бухгалтерлердин Эл Аралык Этика Кодексин (анын Ичинде Көз Карандысыздыктын Эл Аралык Стандарттарын) Пайдалануу Боюнча Колдонмо, 2018

2018 Handbook of the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants
Translated by:

State Service of Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic