Accurate, high-quality translations are critical to ensuring the consistent global implementation of international standards. We work with our valued translating bodies to facilitate the translation of standards, as well as IFAC guidance, reports, and more in almost 50 languages. To reproduce a translation, or to assist IFAC with its translations initiative, please visit our online permission requests and inquiry (OPRI) system.
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For more information, please review the policy detailing the requirements for reproducing any materials published by IFAC, in English or translated, including those from the independent standard-setting boards.
Enquesta global PIME de la IFAC: resultats 2015
Translated by: Collegi de Censors Jurats de Comptes de Catalunya (CCJCC)
International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 260 (Revised), Communication with Those Charged with Governance
Translated by: Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 570 (Revised), Going Concern
Translated by: Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
Revidenta Ziņojumā
Translated by: Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
Īpašie apsvērumi - finanšu pārskatu, kas sagatavoti saskaņā ar īpaša mērķa pamatnostādnēm, revīzija
Translated by: Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
Īpašie apsvērumi – atsevišķu finanšu pārskatu un īpašu aspektu revīzija, bilances posteņi
Translated by: Latvian Association of Certified Auditors
Guide to Using International Standards on Auditing in the Audits of Small- and Medium-Sized Entities, 4ª Edição
Translated by: Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas
Manual de Reglementări Internaţionale de Control de Calitate, Audit, Revizuire, Asigurare şi Servicii Conexe, 2015
Translated by: Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania
Translated by: Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
ข้อพิจารณาพิเศษ – การตรวจสอบงบการเงินที่จัดทำตามแม่บทเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์เฉพาะ
Translated by: Federation of Accounting Professions
การตรวจสอบงบการเงินงบใดงบหนึ่งและการตรวจสอบเฉพาะส่วนประกอบ หรือบัญชี หรือรายการในงบการเงิน, 805
Translated by: Federation of Accounting Professions
Norme internationale d’audit (ISA) 805 (révisée), Audit d’états financiers isolés et d’éléments, de comptes ou de postes spécifiques d’un état financier — Considérations particulières
Published: | Apr 22, 2015
Translated by: Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada
Consideraciones de ética relativas al establecimiento de honorarios de auditoria en un contexto de presión a la baja de honorarios
Translated by: Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España
Translated by: Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Deutsche Übersetzung des Leitfadens der IFAC zur Qualitätssicherung für kleine und mittelgroße Praxen”, 3. Auflage
Translated by: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer
Creación de valor a través del pensamiento integrado
Translated by: Instituto Nacional de Contadores Públicos de Colombia
La Guía de Administración de la Práctica para Firmas Pequeñas y Medianas, Tercera edición
Translated by: Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos, A.C.
Nexo 2: La profesión contable - Un valor agregado global
Translated by: Instituto Nacional de Contadores Públicos de Colombia
Nexo 1: La profesión contable, tras las cifras
Translated by: Instituto Nacional de Contadores Públicos de Colombia
Translated by: Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Bijzondere overwegingen - controles van een enkel financieel overzicht en controles van specifieke elementen, rekeningen of posten van een financieel overzicht
Translated by: Royal Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants
Bijzondere overwegingen - controles van financiële overzichten die zijn opgesteld in overeenstemming met stelsels voor bijzondere doeleinden
Translated by: Royal Nederlandse Beroepsorganisatie van Accountants
Priručnik međunarodnog standarda kontrole kvalitete, revizije, uvida, drugih angažmana izražavanja uvjerenja i povezanih usluga, 2015
Translated by: Croatian Audit Chamber
Betriebswirtschaftliche Prüfungen, die keine Prüfungen oder prüferische Durchsichten vergangenheitsorientierter Finanzinformationen sind
Translated by: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer, Institut Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer, EXPERTsuisse - Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary
ISRS 4400: Aufträge zur Durchführung vereinbarter Untersuchungshandlungen bezüglich Finanzinformationen
Translated by: Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer, Institut Österreichischer Wirtschaftsprüfer, EXPERTsuisse - Swiss Expert Association for Audit, Tax and Fiduciary