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Who We Are

Our membership consists of over 180 professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) in more than 135 jurisdictions.* Our total membership represents millions of professional accountants across the globe.

*As of May 2024

  • The Journey to IFAC Membership

    IFAC membership comprises over 180 member organizations in more than 135 jurisdictions—representing millions of professional accountants worldwide.

    Our members and associates are our most important stakeholders and constituents. They guide our strategic direction, steer our global priorities, and contribute thought leadership and resources to support the entire global profession.

    To enhance the global reach of our profession, IFAC prioritizes membership from jurisdictions where it is not already represented.

    IFAC membership is open to professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) and is a globally recognized hallmark of a high-quality PAO. Being an IFAC associate or member makes it clear to public and private sector organizations locally, regionally, and internationally that your PAO has credibility, capacity and relevance.

    Because our member requirements include adopting international standards and supporting their implementation, IFAC membership demonstrates a PAO’s expertise in and commitment to international standards, best practices, and serving the public interest.

    IFAC guides candidates through the admissions process with the advice and oversight of the IFAC Membership Committee and the IFAC Board. 

    The process includes:

    • Indicating your interest in IFAC membership and establish an ongoing dialogue with IFAC (contact
    • Developing an understanding of IFAC admission criteria and member requirements.
    • With IFAC’s guidance, completing an Action Plan detailing how your PAO will adopt and implement international standards.
    • Securing sponsorship from an existing IFAC member.
    • Submitting application materials, sponsor’s report, and an application fee.

    At this point, IFAC will assesses your PAO and the application will be considered by the IFAC Membership Committee and the IFAC Board, followed by a final vote of admission by the IFAC Council.

    Applicants are also required to pay an application fee.

    First Time Applicants

    The application fee for first-time applicants for Associate or Member status would be equal to the IFAC financial contribution amount that would be paid during the year of admission up to a maximum of US$25,000 (updated on a regular basis and approved by the IFAC Board).

    The calculation of the application fee will vary depending on the applicant and should be confirmed with IFAC staff.

    Existing Associates

    Associates applying for Member status would be required to pay an application fee that is equal to 50% of the applicant’s IFAC financial contribution as an IFAC Member that would be paid during the year of admission.

    Application Sponsorship

    An applicant is required to obtain sponsorship of their application to IFAC from an existing IFAC Member in good standing. The responsibility for seeking a sponsor remains with the applicant, but IFAC staff will be available to explain the purpose of the applicant/sponsor relationship. IFAC staff does not assist potential applicants in seeking a sponsor. The role of the sponsor is an important part of assessing the credibility of the applicant.

  • Why PAOs Become IFAC Members

    Our member organizations help shape the voice of the global profession and set its focus and direction. They also join the global conversation on crucial topics, contributing necessary local and regional perspectives to global issues and international standard setting.

    As part of IFAC, our member organizations gain access to expertise, resources, and support that help them strengthen the services provided to their membership and to society.

    Our member organizations also contribute valuable resources, including their expertise and volunteers, to support IFAC’s vision, purpose and IMPACT approach to its strategy. IFAC members are also able to nominate candidates to the IFAC Board and advisory groups. These volunteers influence the global profession’s direction by supporting and shaping IFAC’s work. Volunteers also share their insights and experiences on the IFAC Knowledge Gateway.

  • Membership Requirements

    Our membership requirements include being a resilient PAO—with strong governance, operations and financial viability—and supporting international standards’ adoption and implementation, as well as quality assurance and investigation and discipline systems.

    IFAC members are required to:

    • Support our vision, purpose and strategic objectives.
    • Demonstrate an ongoing commitment to IFAC’s requirements for our members—the Statements of Membership Obligations (SMOs), which serve as a global framework for credible and high-quality PAOs focused on serving the public interest.
    • Be financially and operationally viable and have an appropriate governance structure.
    • Make financial contributions to IFAC.
    • Meet the other criteria described in the IFAC Constitution and the IFAC Bylaws.

    PAOs are usually admitted as an IFAC associate and progress to member status.

    IFAC's Statements of Membership Obligations are available in a digital platform including SMO-related resources developed in multiple languages. 

  • IFAC Member Compliance Program

    All IFAC associates and members participate in our Member Compliance Program. The program helps member organizations understand and follow clear guidelines and benchmarks to ensure high-quality performance and champion international standards’ adoption and implementation. It also supports continual improvements in development areas.

    The Compliance Program operates in accordance with agreed upon due process and working procedures and is overseen by IFAC Board.

    The Compliance Program’s two principal outputs are member-produced status updates and IFAC-produced PAO and country assessments that highlight advancements in the adoption and implementation of international standards, challenges, and opportunities for further collaboration and partnerships. These updates and assessments power IFAC’s reports on the global status of international standards.

    Learn about international standards’ adoption status and how IFAC member organizations support adoption and implementation by visiting our international standards adoption map.

  • Affiliates

    IFAC also has Affiliates, organizations that do not meet Associate admission criteria but are involved in the development of the accountancy profession.

  • IFAC Network Partners

    The breadth of IFAC’s work would not be possible without the valuable support of its global network. Alongside member organizations, the Forum of Firms, and development partners, IFAC Network Partners are key to successfully achieving IFAC’s strategy.

    IFAC Network Partners include, but are not limited to, groupings of professional accountancy organizations united around commonalities, such as culture, language, proximity, trade, etc. Each grouping has a unique history, undertakes specific activities to serve its members, and plays a valuable role supporting the development of the accountancy profession, facilitating the adoption and implementation of international standards, and providing leadership on matters affecting the profession.

    The criteria under which an IFAC Network Partner may be recognized by IFAC and the obligations for that organization are set forth in the Policy Statement—IFAC Network Partners.

    Professional Accountancy Organizations

    * Regional organizations

    Other IFAC Network Partners


    MOSAIC (Memorandum of Understanding to Strengthen Accountancy and Improve Collaboration) is a historic agreement that sets out the basis for improving cooperation and collaboration between IFAC, international donors, and the international development community. With 13 signatories, it provides the foundation for an aligned approach to increase the capacity of professional accountancy organizations (PAOs) and improve the quality of public and private sector accountancy and financial management. Ultimately, this will enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of donor assistance, contributing to economic growth and poverty reduction.

    MOSAIC Signatories

  • Contact Us

    For detailed information on the admissions process, please contact

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