The primary thing I learned about the accounting profession that surprised me was how intertwined it is with other departments in a company.

What attracted you to IFAC when you joined?
Many factors attracted me to IFAC, mainly because I am an accounting major at the College of the Holy Cross; I was excited about the opportunity to work in the accounting industry. Since IFAC is a global organization, I was intrigued to learn more about the accounting industry domestically and worldwide. I also found it amazing that IFAC is a nonprofit organization that works as a standard-setting board; no organization is like it.
What types of projects did you work on?
Throughout my eight weeks at IFAC, I worked on many exciting projects that I never knew would be associated with the Finance department. I worked to help establish the carbon footprint budget by creating assumptions in Adaptive Insights and Excel by estimating carbon costs related to travel and meetings. This will be integrated into the existing budget and aligned with the organization’s ESG goals. I also worked on refining the processes within Business Central by migrating the foundation’s corporate cards to Continia to provide transparency and reduce redundancy in the finance department.
What’s the most valuable skill you gained from your internship?
Throughout my internship, I learned many valuable skills, especially how to use many technology platforms that I had not previously used. I learned how to use Business Central and Adaptive Insights when working on the carbon budget and updating information in Business Central. I also learned how to find creative solutions when given an open-ended assignment.
What have you learned about the accounting profession that surprised you?
The primary thing I learned about the accounting profession that surprised me was how intertwined it is with other departments in a company. Accountants are responsible for more than the financial statements and handling finances. I was really surprised by how much the Finance team worked with other departments in order to get things done.
What advice do you have for prospective interns at IFAC?
Working at IFAC this past summer has been such an amazing and enlightening experience. My advice for prospective interns is to take the time to meet and know your fellow interns and the IFAC staff. Everyone was so welcoming and willing to help. Also, listening to everyone’s stories and responsibilities at IFAC helped me better figure out what I am looking for in my career.