Something I learned about the accounting profession that surprised me was the role of sustainability in accounting. I was unaware that there are sustainability accounting standards and that these standards even vary based on the type of entity that is reporting.

What attracted you to IFAC when you joined?
As someone who has always been interested in sustainability and wants to work in a business role, I was drawn to IFAC’s sustainability, policy, and regulatory affairs internship. I was eager to learn about the accounting world and how it plays a role in the sustainability of corporations. Furthermore, the diverse nature of IFAC and it being a nonprofit were both characteristics that attracted me.
What types of projects did you work on?
The main project I worked on was building a project for conducting research on sustainability reporting for public sector entities. This included conducting desktop research, building datasets, and analyzing the best path of action for further research.
What’s the most valuable skill you gained from your internship?
The most valuable skill I gained from my internship was the benefit of asking questions and keeping open communication. Without arranging calls with my manager to track progress and reaching out to him with all my questions, I wouldn’t have learned as much as I did. I learned the importance of not being afraid to reach out and ask for help, because it only helps you grow further.
What have you learned about the accounting profession that surprised you?
Something I learned about the accounting profession that surprised me was the role of sustainability in accounting. I was unaware that there are sustainability accounting standards and that these standards even vary based on the type of entity that is reporting.
What advice do you have for prospective interns at IFAC?
Advice I have for prospective interns at IFAC is to make the most of your time here by reaching out and talking to people. IFAC has so many diverse employees, whether by location, background, or job experience. Take out time to learn from everyone’s career paths and experience to form meaningful connections.