Davit Gamkrelidze
Davit Gamkrelidze is the Head of the State Treasury at the Ministry (MoF) of Finance of Georgia. In this role, he oversees a wide range of Treasury operations, including cash flow forecasting for the Treasury Single Account (TSA), the efficient and secure investment of public funds in financial instruments, the implementation of IPSAS standards, public sector payment processing, and reporting on the execution of the consolidated budget.
In addition to his responsibilities at the MoF, Davit is active in the academic field. He serves as an associate professor at Ilia State University, where he manages the accounting and reporting study program. He also teaches finance-related subjects at various educational institutions.
Davit's expertise extends beyond his national role, serving as a short-term expert for the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. In this capacity, he provides technical assistance to governments worldwide in Public Financial Management. His areas of responsibility include advising on the adoption and enhancement of TSA systems, digitalization initiatives, and government cash management, among other topics.