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Edgard Cornacchione

Edgard Cornacchione



Since January 2024 Professor Cornacchione has been a member of the IPAE, nominated by the Federal Council of
Accountants (CFC, Brazil).

A licensed accountant with independent auditor and court-expert credentials, he is a Full Professor at the University of
Sao Paulo, where he acts as the Comptroller-General. He holds two PhDs: one in Accounting (USP) and another in
Human Resource Development (UIUC, USA). A total of 39 graduate students have worked under his advisory (17
Doctoral and 22 Master's level). He is a council member of the IAAER and a member of the AAA Doctoral Consortium

He was the Head of the Department of Accounting at USP and was the Director of the Brazilian Accounting Association
(ANPCONT). Recent professional activities include being the President of the Accounting Research Foundation
(FIPECAFI), Board Member and Chairman at the Accounting Research Foundation (FIPECAFI), Board Member at the
Brazilian Accounting and Sustainability Standards Board Foundation (CPCS), and member of the Fiscal Board at the
Innovation Incubator Center (CIETEC).

He received a medal from the Accounting Professional Body (CRC-SP), was appointed Emeritus Accountant by the
Professional Accountant Union (SINDCONT-SP), and is a lifetime member of both the Brazilian Academy of Accounting
(ABRACICON) and Sao Paulo State Academy of Accounting (APC). He is the recipient of the AAA-Academy of
Accounting Historians "2016 Education Innovation Award".

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