Fabienne Colignon
Job Title: IPSASB CAG Chair
Fabienne Colignon became Chair of the Consultative Advisory Group (CAG) of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB) in July 2023. Prior to her appointment as Chair of the IPSASB CAG, Fabienne was an active and experienced member of the CAG since 2016, and a regular observer of the IPSASB.
Fabienne has extensive expertise in public sector accounting and reporting through her role with the French Public Sector Accounting Standard-Setter, Conseil de Normalisation des Comptes Publics (the CNoCP), a council body within the Ministry of Finance, since 2013. Prior to joining the CNoCP, Fabienne was an audit professional, and served as a Practice Fellow with the IFRS Interpretations Committee. Fabienne has closely followed the work of the IPSASB as a French representative for the EPSAS project for the European Commission and for the CNoCP.