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CA. Hans Raj Chugh

Hans Raj Chugh



CA. Hans Raj Chugh has been nominated to the SMP Advisory Group by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is a Fellow Chartered Accountant, Fellow Company Secretary, Law Graduate and Insolvency Professional. He possesses over 30 years of extensive experience in professional practice, specializing in Audit, Tax and Business Advisory.

He is a member of the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India since 2019. On the international front, he served as a member of the Task Force to implement UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) across SAFA Member Bodies for the year 2021-22. He also held the position of Technical Advisor to the Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW) Board Member since 2021.

Associated with the Committee for Members in Practice of ICAI, he has consistently dedicated his efforts to enhancing the capacity of Members in Practice and CA Firms. He has actively contributed to addressing the critical issues and challenges faced by CA Firms and Members in Practice, reviewing and suggesting regulatory improvements to strengthen and develop the capacity of CA Firms and Practitioners, enhancing their competence and improving their visibility within the business community, and developing Capacity Building Measures and prescribing standards of Professional Practice to enhance the Practice Portfolio of Members in Practice and CA Firms.