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Jungk-Hyuck Yim

Job Title

Technical Advisor for Sung-Jin Park



Jung-Hyuk Yim became the Technical Advisor to the Korean member of IPSASB in January 2025. He was nominated by the Korea Institute of Public Finance (KIPF), which is designated to conduct research on government accounting standards by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Korea (MOEF).

 Mr. Yim is a senior researcher at the Government Accounting and Finance Statistics Center (GAFSC) at KIPF, specializing in standard-setting research for the Korean Central Government's National Accounting Standard (NAS). Before joining KIPF, he assisted in the implementation of NAS and the application of accrual accounting in cost analysis of policy programs at the Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants (KICPA).

 He is a certified public accountant in Korea and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Sungkyunkwan University.

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