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Wassim Khrouf



Mr. Wassim Khrouf is a former member of the IFAC SMP Advisory Group. He was nominated by the Tunisian Institute of Chartered Accountants—Ordre des Experts Comptables de Tunisie (OECT). He previous served as Technical Advisor to a member on the committee from 2013 to 2015.

Mr. Khrouf is a Tunisian Chartered Accountant and a partner in a small- and medium-sized accounting firm comprised of three partners who provide services in the areas of accounting, tax, forensic accounting, management advisory, and training for small- and medium-sized entities. Mr. Khrouf is an international consultant and provides services for international funding agencies in the areas of audit, project appraisal, technical assistance, and project preparation. He started his career as an auditor with the Tunisian audit firm Jelil Bouraoui & Co, a member Moore Stephens in Tunisia.

Mr. Khrouf was elected to serve as a Board member of the OECT in 2012 and 2015. He was Chair of the Standards and Ethics Committee of the OECT from 2012 to 2015 and has chaired Continuing Professional Development since 2015.

He has lectured in Tunisian Universities and taught audit, internal control, and accounting.

Mr. Khrouf has a Tunisian Chartered Accountant diploma and a master of law degree in trade companies from the Tunis Law School.

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