Lindawati Gani
Lindawati Gani became a member of IFAC PAIB Advisory Group in January 2023, nominated by the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants (IAI).
She is Professor in Management Accounting at Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI). She currently serves as member of Academic Senate and Professor Council Universitas Indonesia, member of the National Council and the Indonesia Task Force on Comprehensive Corporate Reporting IAI, the Honorary Board of Code of Ethics the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia, Executive Board Indonesia National Committee on Governance Policy, IFAC Membership Committee, and council member ASEAN Federation of Accountants.
Professor Linda represents IAI in Chartered Accountants Worldwide, member of Accountancy Monitoring Committee Indonesia, Supervisory Board Indonesian Institute of Audit Committee, Advisory Board Indonesia Institute of Management Accountants, Executive Board of the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship, an independent commissioner, and audit committee in several publicly listed companies in Indonesia.
Previously she was Director of Master of Accounting Program and Accounting Profession Education FEB UI. She obtained her PhD from FEB UI, MM in Management Accounting from FEB UI, MBA in General and Strategic Management from Institut Pengembangan Manajemen Indonesia, in affiliated with Harvard Business School, and Bachelor of Economics in Accounting, Universitas Airlangga. She is a CA Indonesia, a Fellow of CIMA and CGMA, and a Fellow of CPA Australia.