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Anas Abou El Mikias
Anas Abouelmikias

Anas Abouelmikias joined the IFAC PAO Development & Advisory Group in January 2024, nominated by Ordre des Experts Comptables du Royaume du Maroc (OECM).

Mr. Abouelmikias is the President & Founder of the audit firm FINACS, which audits a wide range of companies of different sizes and sectors. He began his career working for Big Four audit firms. He is presently a member of the International Relations Committee of OECM. He is also a former Senior Financial Management Specialist at the World Bank for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. He is currently a consultant for international donors, focusing on public financial management and fiduciary matters in the Middle East and Africa, and an independent reviewing for the INTOSAI Development Initiative

Mr. Abouelmikias holds a master's degree in finance from ISCAE Casablanca and a French CPA degree.

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