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Demand for sustainability-related disclosures has increased significantly in the last number of years, with many jurisdictions making such disclosures mandatory. In response, new international reporting, assurance and ethical standards have been developed, with widespread global adoption expected.

As the global accountancy profession evolves, IFAC and its member organizations are committed to equipping professionals with the skills and competencies needed to deliver high-quality sustainability-related information and services. By uniting and supporting its members, IFAC ensures the profession remains a trusted source of integrity, transparency, and expertise worldwide.

To meet these evolving expectations, the accountancy profession must ensure professionals have the right skills and competences to deliver high-quality, sustainability-related information and services. IFAC has updated the International Education Standards to embed sustainability—spanning analysis, reporting, and assurance—across aspiring professional accountants’ training.

These revisions update the global baseline for professional accountancy education, equipping future accountants to apply sustainability-related reporting and assurance standards effectively.