Demand for sustainability-related disclosures has increased significantly in the last number of years, with many jurisdictions making such disclosures mandatory. In response, new international reporting, assurance and ethical standards have been developed, with widespread global adoption expected.
As the global accountancy profession evolves, IFAC and its member organizations are committed to equipping professionals with the skills and competencies needed to deliver high-quality sustainability-related information and services. By uniting and supporting its members, IFAC ensures the profession remains a trusted source of integrity, transparency, and expertise worldwide.
To meet these evolving expectations, the accountancy profession must ensure professionals have the right skills and competences to deliver high-quality, sustainability-related information and services. IFAC has updated the International Education Standards to embed sustainability—spanning analysis, reporting, and assurance—across aspiring professional accountants’ training.
These revisions update the global baseline for professional accountancy education, equipping future accountants to apply sustainability-related reporting and assurance standards effectively.
Sustainability Revisions to IES 2, 3, 4
Key Sustainability Enhancements
- Integrated Sustainability Approach: Sustainability concepts are embedded throughout the t IES learning outcomes addressing initial professional development, ensuring professional accountants are able to connect financial and sustainability data and information.
- New Assurance Competence Area: Introduces learning outcomes that allow accountants to develop a strong foundational understanding of assurance fundamentals.
- Strengthened Business Acumen Focus: Enhances accountants' ability to assess sustainability impacts on business models, value chains, and organizational strategy.
- Enabling Behavioral Competencies: Reinforces skills such as decision making, adaptability, and collaboration.
- Expanded Explanatory Materials: Provides additional guidance to facilitate implementation by professional accountancy organizations, universities, and training programs.
Modernization of IES 6 on Assessment
IFAC has also revised IES 6, Initial Professional Development – Formal Assessment of Professional Competence, to modernize the standard by introducing two new principles, integrity and authenticity, and update the principle of equity, alongside enhanced guidance on hybrid and remote assessments.
Upcoming Webinars
During a webinar offered at two different times, we will explore both the revisions to the International Education Standards for sustainability and assessments. We will also explore IFAC and the International Panel on Accountancy Education’s rationale for changes and some first steps IFAC members and other stakeholders to get started with implementation. We will also provide an overview of the changes to IES 6 and what this may be mean for your organization.
With sessions offered at two convenient times to accommodate our global audience and livestreamed on IFAC’s Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube channels, this webinar will provide valuable insights into proposed changes for our member organizations and stakeholders.Don't miss this opportunity to stay ahead in understanding how the revised IES will impact the future of accountancy education. Register now to secure your spot!
Current Professional Accountants: How to Get Started on Sustainability
Professional accountants who have already completed their initial training and certification are encouraged to update their knowledge to meet the growing demand for high-quality sustainability-related information. Much of what accountants already do is transferable to sustainability. However, new topics and challenges require new ways of thinking and working. IFAC’s Equipping Professional Accountants for Sustainability can help accountants and professional accountancy organizations close any gaps between known and needed technical expertise, business acumen, behavioral competence, and ethics and professional values.
Equipping Professional Accountants for Sustainability is available in Albanian, Bosnian, English, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish (Latin America).