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Achieving sustainable value creation requires businesses to think, measure, manage and report in a more integrated manner.

To deliver useful information for internal decision-making, as well as for comprehensive, trustworthy corporate reporting, CFOs and finance functions can break down functional and information silos with an integrated mindset, bringing together information from corporate functions and external sources about sustainability impacts and related opportunities and risks that are relevant to the value creation process. To help meet this demand, professional accountants can leverage their skills to foster an integrated mindset that connects financial and sustainability data, processes and analyses. 

Championing an Integrated Mindset to Drive Sustainability and Value Creation calls on businesses to integrate financial and sustainability information with an integrated mindset to make better-informed decisions that deliver long-term value creation—financial returns to investors while taking account of value to customers, employees, suppliers, and societal interests.

Through an integrated internal control environment based on an integrated mindset, companies will achieve greater connectivity of functions, processes and systems leading to enhanced data quality and decision making.

An integrated internal control environment is the foundation for transitioning to a more sustainable business model and enhancing investor and stakeholder confidence in sustainability performance.

Learn about integrated internal control, how it can be achieved, the role of the finance function and the importance of the professional accountant's skillset in achieving it. 

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