Srinivas Gurazada
Srinivas Gurazada (Srini), an Indian national with three decades of experience working on governance and public financial management around the world, is the Head of PEFA Secretariat and the Global Lead Public Financial Management. Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (www.pefa.org) initiative, a partnership of nine development partners, is housed in the World Bank. PEFA is regarded as a gold standard for Public Financial Management and is being used in over 150 countries.
Srini works on governance issues, ranging from government budget reforms, public financial management, domestic resource mobilization, public sector financial reporting (IPSAS), Governance in Sectors (specifically health & education) etc , to anti-corruption policies, control & oversight (Internal Audit, Supreme Auditing Institutions etc) and use of information technology for modernizing public sector. Srini held various positions in the World Bank, as Governance Lead in Sub-Saharan Africa region responsible of Zambia, Zimbabwe & Malawi, Task Team Leader, Program Manager, Global Lead Governance in Sectors, Chair of Accountability & Oversight Institutions etc. Before joining Bank, as a career civil servant, Srini held key positions in Government of India as Accountant General, Director, etc and was deputed as Advisor to Government of Oman. He started his professional career as a partner in a firm of Chartered Accountants before his passion for development work motivated him to move to the public sector.
Srini can be reached at sgurazada@pefa.org. You can also connect with him on his social media channels (Twitter: srinivasiaas; Linkedin: Srinivas Gurazada).