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Maria Clara Burgarim
Maria Clara Bugarim

General Comptroller

Maria Clara Bugarim is the General Comptroller of the State of Alagoas in Brazil and the former President of the Conselho Federal de Contabilidade. She holds three degrees (in Accounting,  Administration, and Law) and two specializations (in Auditing and Administration in Human Resources.) She also has a master’s in Controllership and Accounting from the University of São Paulo, and has a PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. In addition to her impressive educational background, she has held leadership positions in government, academic and trade bodies. Often, her leadership roles have been in positions never before occupied by women.

Annie Brinich

Annie Brinich is a communications manager at the International Federation of Accountants. She manages and edits IFAC's Knowledge Gateway. 

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