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Portrait of a man with a dark suit and red tie, turning to look at the camera
Asad Feroze

Technical Advisor in IFAC PAODAG, Past Vice President ICAP & Chairman SMP Committee ICAP

Mr. Asad Feroze is fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan. He is fellow member of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants of United Kingdom, fellow member of PIPFA and Institute of Taxation & Management. He is technical advisor in PAODAG at IFAC (International Federation of Accountants). He is a member of Accounting Standards Board of ICAP. He is member of sustainability group at CAW (Chartered Accountants Worldwide) and ICAP. He also remained short term consultant with The World Bank. He is in practice and also founding partner of Junaidy Shoaib Asad, Chartered Accountants an independent member of Morison Global. He is a SECP certified director and has trained 400 plus SECP certified directors. He is an IFC approved trainer on governance. He has an experience of around 20 years in working with multinational and local organisations, public sector and not for profit organizations. 

He is an elected member of the ICAP Council for the term (2022-2026). He remained Vice President ICAP for term (2023-24). He is also the Chairman of the SMP Committee, CPD Committee and ICAP- ICMAP coordination committee of ICAP. He is Past Chairman of Northern Regional Committee (NRC) of ICAP in two terms (2015-16 & 2017-18). He has chaired various committees of NRC ICAP. He also remained Chairman Chartered Accountants Students Association (CASA) North. He has also served as a member of various committees of ICAP.


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