IFAC invites you to view a webinar focused on the recently launched Practice Transformation Action Plan – A Road Map to the Future. Participants will hear from members of the IFAC Small and Medium Practices Advisory Group (SMP AG) and prominent thought leaders from the accountancy profession on their perspectives, experiences, and insights in managing small firms in an ever-changing environment.
Key Discussion Points
- Embracing change
- Leveraging technology and understanding the key actions to successfully adopt and utilize technology
- Talent management, facilitating virtual operations, flexible working and health and safety of employees
- Evolving the firm’s operating model to build and diversify new services
The webinars are available in three languages. Please click the links below to view.

WEBINAR 1 [English]
- Monica Foerster
Chair of IFAC SMP Advisory Group (previously, SMP Committee), Partner at Confidor and SMP Director at Ibracon - George Willie
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and Managing Partner of Bert Smith & Co - Tom Hood
CEO of Maryland Association of CPAs and the Business Learning Institute - Mike K. Mbaya
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and Lead Partner of Mbaya & Associates
The full recording of this session can be accessed here.
Click here for the presentation slides.

WEBINAR 2 [English]
- Robyn Erskine
Deputy Chair of the IFAC SMP AG and Partner at Brooke Bird - Johnson Kong
Member of the IFAC SMP AG, Managing Director at BDO Hong Kong and President of the HKICPA - Naofumi Higuchi
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and Technical Director of JICPA
The full recording of this session can be accessed here.
Click here for the presentation slides.

WEBINAR 3 [Spanish]
- Monica Foerster
Chair of IFAC SMP Advisory Group (previously, SMP Committee), Partner at Confidor and SMP Director at Ibracon - Antoni Gómez
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and International Chair of Auren - Alexandra Penuela Cuesto
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and Technical Director for INCP.
The full recording of this session can be accessed here.
Click here for the presentation slides.

WEBINAR 4 [French]
- Wassim Khrouf
Member of the IFAC SMP AG and Partner at Auditing & Consulting Worldwide. - Yasmine El-Ramly
Technical Advisor in the IFAC SMP AG and Director, Governance at the AICPA. - Arnaud Debray
Member of the IFAC PAO AG and CEO of the Federation Internationale des Experts-Comptables Francophone (FIDEF)
The full recording of this session can be accessed here.
Click here for the presentation slides.
If you have any questions regarding these webinars, please email johnnyyong@ifac.org.