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In her new role as Chair of the IFAC Small and Medium Practices (SMP) Committee, Monica Forester discusses some of the key projects underway and upcoming to further support the important work of SMPs, and the work they do in support of small- and medium-sized entities (SMEs). The main activities areas are:

1. Provide regular and timely input to the international standard-setting process to help ensure the stability, relevance, and proportionality of international standards to SMEs and SMPs;

2. Develop and share practical guidance, tools, and resources with a focus on the implementation of international standards, practice management, and business advisory services; and

3. Globally represent and advocate for SMPs by promoting the visibility and recognition of SMPs and SMEs worldwide.

In addition, Ms. Foerster highlights current projects to update the Guide to Practice Management for SMPs and Guide to Using the ISAs in the Audit of SMEs and emphasizes the importance of emerging trends in technology and the value of the Global Knowledge Gateway as a knowledge sharing mechanism.

Monica Foerster


Partner at Confidor, Chair of IFAC's SMP Advisory Group

Monica Foerster became Chair of the IFAC SMP Advisory Group (SMPAG) in 2017, after serving as its Deputy Chair. A SMPAG member since 2014, she was nominated by Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC) and Instituto dos Auditores Independentes do Brasil (IBRACON). With 20 years of experience in the accountancy profession, Ms. Foerster is a partner at Confidor, an accounting, tax, and law firm with offices in Porto Alegre and São Paulo, Brazil.

Monica is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Ibracon Brazil (where she was the SMP Director and coordinator of the SMP Working Group for 6 years), and a board member at the Accounting Council (where she was also the coordinator of the Committee of Audit Studies (CRCRS) for 4 years. 

Monica holds an MBA in financial management, controllership and audit from the FGV – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil, and a degree in accounting from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Brazil.