Part I: Talent Recruitment and Retention
In this roundtable discussion, several IFAC SMP Committee members discuss the challenges firms face in terms of finding new talent and creating a corporate culture conducive to younger generations of accountants. These include meeting the expectations of young accountants and the transfer of knowledge across generations.
Part II: SMPs Must Compete with Larger Firms to Attract, Develop, and Retain Talent
SMPs Must Compete with Larger Firms to Attract, Develop, and Retain Talent In part two of this roundtable, the panel considers reasons why young accountants are attracted to smaller firms. The benefits of smaller firms include the variety of work, work/life balance, and close advisory relationships with clients.
Part III: Setting the Tone at the Top
In part three of this roundtable, the panel discusses the importance of tone at the top in small firms. This includes how to be a good leader, how to inspire staff, and providing good mentorship.