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Leading with Ethics, Confidence and Resilience:

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On October 20, in celebration of Global Ethics Day 2021, IESBA will host a panel to share views on ethics and how ethical leadership can guide the accountancy profession through an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

The 60-minute special event will be streamed live on IESBA’s LinkedIn and YouTube channels.

Tax Changes Should be Targeted to Help Covid Recovery and Boost Fight Against Climate Crisis in G20 Countries, According to Accounting Bodies’ Research

New York, NY English

Tax incentives should be used to enable positive global outcomes, such as economic recovery from the pandemic and averting climate crisis, according to a new joint report released today by the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ), and the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC).

A survey of 8,000 people across the G20 countries and New Zealand concluded that two-thirds (66%) were strongly in favor of using the tax systems to help individuals and small businesses to recover following the effects of Covid-19.

The full report Public trust in tax: surveying public trust in G20 tax systems can be read here.

Respondents were also very much in favor of similar tax breaks to support efforts to tackle “global megatrends”, such as the fight against climate crisis, and efforts to support retirement savings, with 66% believing these would be appropriate incentives.

Perhaps surprisingly, the survey discovered that support had fallen in 15 of the 20 countries for international collaboration on tax.

This is despite the fact that 2021 has seen historic advances in international tax cooperation, including agreement by G7 countries to enforce a minimum rate of 15% corporation tax.

The Public Trust in Tax study, which was carried out in the first quarter of 2021, follows two previous reports on the subject in 2017 and 2019.

Other key findings included insight on whether taxpayers in different countries felt they were paying a “reasonable amount of tax”. Overall, most respondents were likely to agree that their tax rates were reasonable across all pay grades.

However, fewer than one in four respondents across the G20 countries stated that high income individuals paid a reasonable amount of tax in their country.

And while 33% believed that local companies were likely to be paying a reasonable amount of tax, in seven countries multinational corporations were thought to be paying too little tax.

Despite this suspicion, 49% of people overall were in favor of using tax incentives to attract multinational business. There was also a fall from 44% to 39% in the number supporting requirements to make multinational companies publish detailed tax information, although the vast majority still support MNCs sharing all their information with local tax authorities.

The survey also uncovered varying levels of trust in global tax authorities and the players in the tax system. Trust in government tax authorities is polarized, with 43% saying they have trust or a high level of trust in the tax authorities, but 22% saying they distrust them. Overall, trust in government tax bodies has slightly increased.

Professional tax accountants (55%) have the highest level of trust, followed by professional tax lawyers (50%). Despite a small increase in the level of trust this time, politicians remain the least trusted group, at just 22% net distrust.

Accountants are also seen to contribute to the efficiency of the tax systems by making them more efficient, effective and fair.

The survey also asked questions about the trust people in various countries placed in their media and social media on the issue of tax. Social media was the least trusted source, distrusted by more than 40% and traditional media fared little better, scoring over 30% for distrust.

Total trust in social media was highest in India and China, but lowest in New Zealand and France. These results were mirrored for traditional media, with India and China placing the most faith in their tax coverage and France registering the most distrust. Russian media was also distrusted by 54%.

“The relationship between taxpayers and governments, and between businesses, society and tax systems, will be fundamental to the shape of the economies that support us all, over the coming years,” said report author Jason Piper, head of taxation for ACCA. “Public trust is central to tax morale, which is the tendency for individuals and businesses to pay their tax voluntarily and without intervention by tax authorities.”

Anecdotally, many respondents stressed the importance of financial education from an early age, so that people understand the purpose of tax.

“Alongside the uncertainty of the pandemic, this year has also seen historic advances in international tax cooperation, with political agreements at the G7, G20 and OECD Inclusive Framework that began not long before this series of reports,” said Ainslie van Onselen, chief executive of CA ANZ. “Tax policies to help address challenges such as climate change and ageing populations are no longer issues on the horizon, it’s here and now. Well-functioning tax systems and high levels of taxpayer trust backed by a robust accounting profession to design, implement and navigate the tax implications are vital as we look to shape a better future.”

The correlations between social well-being and an effective tax system and economic growth are clear. No matter the cultural differences or divergent views on who is paying enough taxes or how the funds raised should be spent.

“As leaders in the global accountancy profession, we are proud to see the high levels of trust in professional accountants,” said Kevin Dancey, chief executive of IFAC. “This embodies the profession that we know. At the same time, we understand that there is always more to do to sustain and strengthen that trust.”


About IFAC: The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. Comprised of 180 members and associates in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions, IFAC represents more than 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry and commerce.

Over four decades, IFAC has represented the global profession and supported the development, adoption, and implementation of international standards that underpin the contributions of today’s global accountancy profession. IFAC has maintained a long-term approach to building and strengthening a global accountancy profession that supports transparent, accountable, and sustainable organizations, financial markets, and economies. More information is here.


Abour ACCA: ACCA is the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. We’re a thriving global community of 233,000 members and 536,000 future members based in 178 countries and regions that upholds the highest professional and ethical values.

We believe that accountancy is a cornerstone profession of society that supports both public and private sectors. That’s why we’re committed to the development of a strong global accountancy profession and the many benefits that this brings to society and individuals.

Since 1904 being a force for public good has been embedded in our purpose. And because we’re a not-for-profit organization, we build a sustainable global profession by re-investing our surplus to deliver member value and develop the profession for the next generation.

Through our world leading ACCA Qualification, we offer everyone everywhere the opportunity to experience a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. And using our respected research, we lead the profession by answering today’s questions and preparing us for tomorrow.

ACCA and CA ANZ have formed a strategic alliance for the benefit of members and to help shape the future of the profession. Find out more about us at




About CA ANZ:

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand represents more than 128,000 financial professionals, supporting them to make a difference to the businesses, organisations and communities in which they work and live. We promote the CA designation and high ethical standards, deliver world-class services and life-long education to members and advocate for the public good.


New joint report from ACCA, CA ANZ, and IFAC finds a fall in public support for international tax collaboration despite recent corporation tax agreement

IPSASB eNews: September 2021

Conceptual Framework–Limited Scope Update–Next Stage

The IPSASB agreed to propose revised definitions for an asset and a liability for inclusion in the Exposure Draft planned for approval in December 2020. 

The IPSASB agreed to add obscuring information to the existing factors influencing materiality omissions and misstatements. The IPSASB also agreed to insert a new section on unit of account. Staff will carry out further work on the case for addressing executory contracts explicitly in the Framework.  

Revenue and Transfer Expenses

The IPSASB clarified principles related to the existence and recognition of liabilities and assets in transactions arising with binding arrangements (in revenue and transfer expenses respectively). The IPSASB reconsidered and concluded that the distinction between transfer expenses with and without performance obligations is not useful from the transfer provider perspective.

Draft guidance in both standards will be revised to first require an entity to assess whether a binding arrangement exists, and clarify the scope of the proposed transfer expenses standard.

Natural Resources

The IPSASB reviewed the draft Consultation Paper (CP) and considered the proposals on the presentation of information on natural resources. The IPSASB also reviewed the revised chapters on living resources and water, as well as other miscellaneous changes to the CP. The IPSASB plans to continue development of the CP at its December 2020 meeting, with an aim to approve it at its March 2022 meeting. 


The IPSASB decided to proceed with the proposals from Exposure Draft 75, Leases, including reconfirming those related to COVID-19 requirements, definition of a lease, lessee’s discount rate, and fair value definition. Further, the IPSASB decided that it will continue development of the leases guidance at its October check-in meeting with a plan to approve the new final Standard at its December meeting.

Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans

The IPSASB decided that the title for the standard being developed through this project should be Retirement Benefit Plans. The IPSASB also reviewed the options in IAS 26 and decided that to provide better information and improve accountability and transparency, some of the options should be removed from the Exposure Draft under development. These options relate to the measurement and presentation of the actuarial present value of promised retirement benefits, and the valuation of plan assets.  

Next Meeting

The next full-meeting of the IPSASB will take place virtually in December, 2021. For more information, or to register as an observer, visit the IPSASB website (

IAS Plus | September 16, 2021

IFAC calls on G20 leaders to focus on sustainability reporting

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) has released 'Four themes, two actions, one goal: G20 Call to Action 2021' urging G20 leaders to continue their commitment to sustainability, inclusion, prosperity, and global collaboration.