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Igor Pavicevic

Job Title

Igor Pavicevic, Secretary General of the Institute of Certified Accountants of Montenegro

Mr. Igor Pavicevic is, since 2010, Head of ICAM. Under his leadership, ICAM became an IFAC Associate in 2011 and an IFAC Member in 2017. Mr. Pavicevic is Certified Auditor, Forensic Accountant and Certified Appraiser. Since 2014, he is the President of ICAM’s Investigative Committee. Since 2015, he is a member of Open Government Partnership for Areas Enhancement of Public Integrity and Efficient Management of Public Resources. Since 2012, he is a member of Working Group for negotiation Chapter 6 – Corporate Law in EU accession process.


Valeria Getman

Job Title

Executive Director, Union of Accountants and Auditors

leads the Union of Accountants and Auditors (UAA) in all aspects of its activities. She is also actively involved in promoting the accountancy profession both in the Kyrgyz Republic and regionally through representing interests of the Kyrgyz profession and UAA in national and international stakeholder groups.


Robert Aurelian Sova, Pd.D.

Robert is the president of Corpul Expertilor Contabili si Contabililor Autorizati din Romania (The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania, or CECCAR) and a Full Professor.

Adriana Florina Popa Ph.D.



Dr. Adriana Florina Popa joined the IFAC International Panel on Accountancy Education in September 2019, nominated by the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR).

Dr. Popa is an Associate Professor at Bucharest University of Economic Studies with 20 years of academic and practical experience and research interests in Accounting and Taxation. She is also Coordinator of the National Institute for Initial and Continuing Professional Training (CECCAR).

Dr. Popa is currently a member in the plenary of the Romanian Economic and Social Council, an advisory body of the Government and the Parliament and in the VAT Expert Group within DG TAXUD - European Commission She has master degrees in Fiscal Law, Audit and Accounting Management, Research and Teacher Education for Business and Economics and alco a diploma of pedagogical training courses in pedagogy, education psychology, didactic management, design and management of educational programs.

Dr. Popa is a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants and of the Romanian Chamber of Fiscal Consultants. Her publishing activity materialized in many books and articles on financial accounting, audit and taxation.
