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IESBA March 2018 Meeting Highlights Podcast


Highlights from the IESBA's March 12 - 14, 2017 meeting New York, NY.

  • 00:12 - Introduction: Ken Siong, IESBA Technical Director
  • 00:45 - Highlights & Key Developments: Stavros Thomadakis, IESBA Chairman
  • 03:57 - Professional Skepticism: James Barbour, IESBA Member 
  • 06:09 - Inducements: Michael Ashley, IESBA Member
  • 11:12 - Fees: Ian McPhee, IESBA Member
  • 13:01 - Closing Remarks: Ken Siong, IESBA Technical Director
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IESBA March 2018 Meeting Highlights Podcast

Global Ethics Board Consults on Professional Skepticism

New York, New York English

The International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants® (IESBA®) seeks public comment by August 15, 2018 on its consultation paper, Professional Skepticism – Meeting Public Expectations.

In response to regulatory and other stakeholder feedback on the topic, the paper explores:

    1. The behavioral characteristics comprised in professional skepticism;
    2. Whether all professional accountants should apply these behavioral characteristics; and
    3. Whether the International Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants (including International Independence Standards) should be further developed to address behaviors associated with the exercise of appropriate professional skepticism.

Through this initiative, the IESBA also aims to reinforce the effective exercise of professional skepticism by auditors.

The consultation paper was developed following close coordination with the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) and the International Accounting Education Standards Board (IAESB), and with advice from the IESBA Consultative Advisory Group.

The paper will form the basis for discussion with a wide range of stakeholders at a series of three global roundtables in Washington, DC, USA on June 11; Paris, France on June 15; and Tokyo, Japan on July 12.

To access the consultation paper and submit a comment by August 15th, please visit.

Public Comment Sought on Behaviors Associated with Exercise of Professional Skepticism

IAASB Seeks Technical Director


The International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB) is seeking a highly qualified Technical Director.

Based in New York, the Technical Director position requires deep knowledge of audit and assurance, strong understanding of standard setting, and strong program and people leadership ability. The Technical Director serves a key role in the management of the IAASB, and works closely with the IAASB Chair and Deputy Chair to develop strategy, plan and implement the work program of the Board, and develop positive stakeholder relationships.

The Technical Director’s primary concern is for the quality of the material presented to the IAASB for deliberation and the robustness of the underlying development process. In addition, the Technical Director orchestrates the IAASB’s internal and external activity.

The successful candidate will be self-motivated, dynamic and proactive, and hands-on. He or she will have a strong staff development focus and experience in leading a professional team in a collaborative, multi-cultural environment. The successful candidate will also be confident and competent in dealing with others on technical audit and assurance matters, and effective at identifying technical concerns and developing solutions.

The position requires strong project management skills, both in regard to overseeing program deliverables and in taking initiatives from concept through execution. Strong written and oral communication skills are essential. Additionally, the candidate should be an articulate, confident communicator with stakeholders and media.

The international executive search firm Korn Ferry has been retained for this search. Interested candidates should contact Korn Ferry Practice Leader Arlene Kobayashi or Managing Consultant Liz Lebo.

For reference, the profile for the Technical Director IAASB can be found here. Application deadline closes June 15, 2018

Global Accounting Ethics & Audit Standards Achieving Worldwide Adoption

New York, New York English

Nearly 80% of jurisdictions worldwide have adopted International Standards for Auditing for mandatory audits, while more than 60% have fully adopted the international Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, according to a new study by IFAC—International Federation of Accountants—on rates of adoption of international standards across 80 of the jurisdictions in which IFAC’s more than 175 member organizations operate.

High-quality international standards are essential pillars of the global financial architecture. Their adoption and implementation improve the availability of the high-quality financial information in the public and private sectors that improves decision making and ultimately results in greater economic growth, development, and accountability.

“This forward momentum is positive news for investors, governments, businesses of all sizes, global regulators and the public given these standards’ relevance to the entire global finance structure,” said Alta Prinsloo, Executive Director, Quality & Development. “Following comparable international standards enable businesses to produce financial information that decision makers can rely on.”

The data is included in a first-of-its kind report that assesses and publically reports on the global status of the adoption of international standards—International Standards: 2017 Global Status Report. The report details the high rates of adoption around the world, driven by IFAC and its member organizations, and positive results in several key areas, including ethics, financial reporting standards, and quality assurance, and provides examples of success and tools for continued progress.

About IFAC
IFAC is the global organization for the accountancy profession dedicated to serving the public interest by strengthening the profession and contributing to the development of strong international economies. IFAC is comprised of more than 175 members and associates in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions, representing almost 3 million accountants in public practice, education, government service, industry, and commerce.